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Temat: Fraud i AML: nie mają te same cele

Fraud and AML do not have the same goals

The primary AML goal is to take illegally earned monies and integrate it into what appear to be legal and legitimate assets.
The primary goal of Fraud is to use deceptive means to obtain monies from a source knowing that without deception, no value would be provided.

Persons engaged with AML activities, at least in financial circles, are NOT rule breakers. They do not rely on exception processes nor do they do things that will bring them into focus.

Persons engaged in Fraud rely heavily on "Exceptions" to get to obtain value. They use tactics and techniques to "Con" other out of their identities, credentials and money.

AML is focused heavily on the Profile of the Person/Entity they are doing business with to align that profile to either a high or low probability of being associated with transactions used to integrate illegal monies.

Fraud is heavily focused on the Profile of the Transactions surrounding an activity. Looking for outliers that would not appear to be normal for a given, audience, process or class of products.

The chart below is a metaphor for driving. AML will keep it between the lines and abide by the rules of the road. Fraud on they other hand will frequently drive off road to get to its destination.
