Temat: Wolontariat w Niemczech od jesieni 2010 do końca lata 2011

1) N° 2008-DE-59 « Maximilian-Kolbe-Schule » (October 2010 until July 2011)

The Maximilian-Kolbe-Schule is a catholic school which combines a primary school, a secondary school and a day care centre. It offers its pupils support in doing their homework, leisure time activities, different kinds of school projects and excursions, a mentoring and support out of school. Due to the school's cantine, the children and adolescents can benefit from the full-time care of the school. With this offer the Maximilian-Kolbe-Schule is reaching out to adolescents, particularly those having difficulties in school, with single parents and socially disadvantaged families.
The St. Franziskus foundation, also a catholic institution, offers with its Sankt Antonius Home a home for partially deaf young adolescents and young adults who are going to school during the day. They can not only stay and live there, but they are also supported pedagogically.
The two institutions intend to collaborate. 60 employees are working in the Maximilian-Kolbe-Schule, thereof 15 in the day care centre; in the St.Antonius Home 30 pedagogues are working.
Information on the volunteers tasks and opportunities is provided on the EVS database.

The school and the home are in Rottweil (25 500 inhabitants) in the Black Forest. The city is situated between Stuttgart (590 000 inhabitants) and Lake Constance (South Germany).

2) N° 2008-DE-88 « Bregtalschule Furtwangen » (September 2010 until July/August 2011)

Bregtal School is a project giving support to mentally and physically handicapped children/young adults. It includes a school internal kindergarden, a school for mentally handicapped children, a boarding school and an early-advice centre as well as an integrated forest kindergarden.Usually, the volunteers are working in a specific group of the school internal kindergarden or of the school for mentally handicapped children. This way it is easier to build personal relationships to the children or young people in the group. Apart from this the volunteer hasthe possibility to get to know other areas of the institution like the early-advice centre or the physiotherapy. Depending on the voulunteers interests there are lots of ways to get involved into different schemes or initiate an own project.

Bregtal School is located in Furtwangen (10 000 inhabitants) in the south of Germany. It is a small town in the beautiful and rural Black Forest between Freiburg im Breisgau (213 000 inhabitants) and Donaueschingen (21 500 inhabitants).