Temat: wolontariat na Sycylii

Wolontariat na Sycylii

Archeoclub d’Italia, sede di Campobello di Licata (Sicily), we want to apply 2 different projects for the next deadline (which is the 1st November) as Hosting Organisation (Ref. 2008-IT-29). In the following, we explain briefly both projects, which will start the first week of June 2010:

An individual EVS project for 9 months (June 2010 - March 2011). We are looking for a volunteer with love for nature, environment & heritage and able to develop any kind of maintenance jobs in an archaeological park (cutting the grass, pruning the trees, making new panels, etc.). He/she will have to prepare also guided visits for schools, develop promotion activities of the association -in particular of the Summer Camps-, and of the Youth in Action Programme as well as different sensitization activities for the schools. In one hand, previous experience is not necessary at all, but in the other, for many of this activities will be necessary the driving license.

Another individual EVS project for 1 year (June 2010 - June 2011). In this case, we’re looking for a volunteer with the capacity for working with kids and youngsters, with some knowledge and passion for the archaeology. We understand archaeology & heritage as disciplines that must be used to sensitize specially the young people: through didactical workshops in the ArcheoloDida center they will learn how to respect the archaeological, historical and natural heritage. The volunteer will also develop promotion activities of the association and of the Youth in Action Programme & help the rest of the staff in the administration work at the office.

Both volunteers, during the summer, will be part of the staff of the III Edition of Kalat’s School Camps and of the XII Edition of Kalat’s International Archaeological Summer Camps. It would be preferable volunteers with a high flexibility and capacity for working/living together with other youngsters, as it also would be better, at least, a middle level of English or Italian.

We hope everybody knows what to do in case of volunteers that are interested; please send the EuropassCV, the motivation letter and the attached questionnaire before, and not after, the 25th of October. For further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.