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Temat: CPD event: How to maximize your customer satisfaction...

Workshop Modules:

- Win/win negotiation fundamentals – how to achieve your negotiation goals in a friendly way.

- Practical negotiation examples – why it is important to aim higher in order to get better result.

- Negotiation game – theory put into practice; we will all see who the real negotiation master is.

27 May 2014 - 18:00

BPP Professional Education Warsaw

GBP 0.00



18:00-18:05 - Welcome

18:05-20:00 - "How to maximize your customer satisfaction during negotiation process”, Mariusz Słapa

20:00-23:00 - Networking dinner

Speaker Details:

Mariusz Słapa - BPP Poland Commercial Director

Active business manager since 1994. Has managed business teams from a few to few hundred people. Mariusz gained his managerial experience working 10 years for reputable multinationals (Procter&Gamble, Reckitt Benckiser). Later, he reinforced his knowledge while managing a Polish training and development company Greń Communication. Has over 18 years of training experience including 7 years of work as an international sales trainer for Europe/Middle East/Africa region of Procter&Gamble. Thanks to his personal experience as a manager, Mariusz has created and implemented practical and proven business solutions for over 70 customers in Poland and CEE region.
Ewa J.

Ewa J. Kontroler finansowy

Temat: CPD event: How to maximize your customer satisfaction...

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Następna dyskusja:

CPD Event: Change management

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