Temat: Warsztaty Tanga Argentino z Julio Martinezem

Z wyjątkową radością zapraszam na warsztaty Tanga Argentino z profesorem tanga Julio Martinezem!!!!
Po raz pierwszy Argentyńczyk poprowadzi u nas zajęcia, tym bardziej warto!!
Termin: 7-8 luty 2009

Prowadzacy: Julio Horacio Martinez (http://www.buenosairestango.cz)

Miejsce: Centrum Tanca EL PASO ul. Chopina 3 (sala ZHP) Bielsko-Biala



10:30-12:00 - Tango Beginners I

* Taking contact by tango style and music
* Individual walking,
* Senso-spacial perception.
* Connection in couple.
* Basic step.
* Variants of Starts.

12:15-13:45 - Tango Beginners II

* Basics figures: techniques and communications.

15:30-17:00 - Tango Intermediate I

* The problematic of the interrelations-sheep
* Dissociation and communication Figures with articulations
* Figures with medium difficulties with close embracing
* Elements of Milonga I rhythmus and perceptions

17:15-18:45 - Tango Intermediate II

* Elements of Milonga: The art of play and enjoy
* Embracing of tango: The way of perfect communication
* The question of the invasion of the place of the couple.

20:30 Uroczysta Milonga z Julio Martinezem (miejsce w trakcie ustalania)


10:30-12:00 - Tango Beginners III

* The correct direction of dancing
* Choreographic detention: Parada and different resolutions
* Introductions of giros and sacadas

12:15-13:45 - Tango Beginners IV

* Milonga for begginers:
* Steps of tango that you can use in Milonga, rhythmus
* Balance, quality and communications, emotion and joy
* The art of dancing SLOW

15:30-17:00 - Tango Intermediate III

* Communication: the key of interrelations-sheep of tango
* The importance of the perceptions to the other in figures with difficulties with close embracing II
* Giros and the figures that you can use in Vals
* The axe: Personal and the couples axe: perceptions and difficulties

17:15-18:45 - Tango Intermediate IV

* Revision techniques,
* Sacadas, boleos, ganchos: Care and communications
* The art of improvisations: Free play, emotion, expression and joy

20:00 Milonga (miejsce w trakcie ustalania)


Grupa poczatkujaca:

* 1 lekcja: 35 zl/osoba
* 4 lekcje: 130 zl/osoba (120 zl do 31.01.2009)

Grupa sredniozaawansowana:

* 1 lekcja: 40 zl/osoba
* 4 lekcje: 150 zl/osoba (140 zl do 31.01.2009)

Zapisy i informacje:

E-mail: tango-bielsko@o2.pl (w temacie maila prosze wpisywac Warsztaty Julio Martinez)

Strona WWW: http://tango.bielsko.pl

Telefon: 606 701 608