Katarzyna Dudek

Katarzyna Dudek IT Recruiter at
(Adecco Group)

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Held at a Distance: My Rediscovery of Ethiopia

A new book by Rebecca Haile

To be released in March 2007

"Part travelogue, part history, part memoir, Rebecca Haile's Held at a Distance shines a bright and unique light on Ethiopia, a country in whose fortunes we as Americans and Westerners have been concerned for some time, but which remains in large part a mystery to many of us. When I filmed my documentary, "Wonders of the African World," I described Ethiopia as the black world's Holy Land, an ancient civilization wrapped in layers of sublime awe and wonder. Ethiopia not only holds the secrets to the source of human evolution, it is black Africa's longest and most continuous kingdom of culture, the home of one of the world's oldest Christian denominations, dating from the 4th century A.D.

Today, Ethiopia, for far too many people, is synonymous with poverty and warfare; but for generations of African Americans, it was the font of black civilization itself, the spiritual source of visions of a united and prosperous Pan-Africa, the living testament to the glories that were Black Africa. In her bold new book, Rebecca Haile moves far beyond the one-dimensional headlines that encapsulate Ethiopia in the Western press to provide as rich and nuanced a portrait of her native land as I have seen."

- Henry Louis Gates Jr., Alphonse Fletcher University Professor, Harvard University