Temat: wyjazd na roczny projekt EVS do Włoch

PS:wstępnie przepraszam za błędy w pisowni, tak się zdarza z każdym cudzoziemcem ;)
wyjazd do organizacji pozarządowej na roczny projekt EVS do Włoch od września 2009 do sierpnia 2010.

Projekt dla osób od 18 do 30 lat ze znajomościa chociaż podstaw angielskiego.

- praca w organizacji
- kurs włoskiego
- podróże po kraju
- poznanie nowejkultury i innych uczestników EVS projektu

więcej info na maila gajafundacja@gmail.com lub skypa lida.voskaloLida Voskalo edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.04.09 o godzinie 16:51

Temat: wyjazd na roczny projekt EVS do Włoch

Lida Voskalo:
wyjazd do organizacji pozarządowej na roczny projekt EVS do Włoch od września 2009 do sierpnia 2010.

Projekt dla osób od 18 do 30 lat ze znajomościa chociaż podstaw angielskiego.

- praca w organizacji
- kurs włoskiego
- podróże po kraju
- poznanie nowejkultury i innych uczestników EVS projektu

więcej info na maila gajafundacja@gmail.com lub skypa lida.voskalo
Działamy w Programie Młodzież w Działaniu dofinansowanego przez Komisje Europejską.Program Volontariatu Europejskiego jest jeden z działów.Organizacja przyjmujuaca z Włoch teraz ma 2 miejsca na projekt od 1.09.2009 do 31.08.2010 .Poniżej opis projektu.Kto zainteresowany, zostaniemy organizacja wysyłającą

The Association Piccola Fraternità in Porto Legnago works as Relief- and House Service. It is also a Daytime Center for disabled people, according to an established programme and to a single special project for each user.
The general aim of Piccola Fraternità is to create an environment and an atmosphere which foster human and Christian growth both of our guests and of those who work for. The methods of education we use are based on mutual respect, on psychological knowledge and on development of the user's potential.
Our guests are adult people with psycho-physical disability and pathologies of medium-high level and just in few cases of very high level.
Our aim is to make their potential more and more active and operating, trying to reduce every sign of mind and body decadence.
A general plan of activities is usually made up at the beginning of the working-year (from September to August) developed in a more detailed programme during the weekly meetings. This enables us to fix the general aim and, at the same time, to grant those proposals closest to the users' needs.
The Temporary Accomodation and the Daytime Center are well-organized to answer the needs of disabled people and to come up to the activities arranged for them.

In the Daytime Center are carried out the following weekly activities:
" self-sufficiency
" common environment care (easy domestic works, housecleaning, laundry, wardrobe, garden...)
" physical activities in the gym or by swimming (Legnago is provided of Olympic indoor-outdoor pool)
" Newsletter editing
" Self-expressive activity
" Computer tools (writing/games)
" handiworks (embroidery; painting on paper, on canvas and glass; recycled paper; beading...)
" outdoor-activities (excursions, hikes, shopping and market)
" playing together
" mountain-holidays in summer
" pray-times during the day

As we are an Association, which bases its philosophy on Christian values, we sometimes give space to community prayer (catholic mess in special occasions, prayer before meal-time) but we do not oblige any volunteer to participate to it and anyone of different religion is welcome.

To our guests we also offer:
" meals
" transport
" social assistance

Piccola Fraternità is open 365 days a year with the following timetable:
" from 16.00 to 19.00 the whole year (Monday to Saturday): the Relief Service is activated in case of need. The House Service is activated, on project, in collaboration with the local health unit.
" from 8.30 to 16.00 (September to July) from Monday to Friday: the Day-Time Center has the following timetable:
" From Monday to Friday, living and working together

Activities can be summarized as following:

8.15 The gests are coming and the daytime activities are about to begin.
12.30 Lunch
13.00 Tidy-up
13.30 Relax
14.30 Starting of afternoon works
16.00 End of daytime activities and beginning of the Relief Service (for some guests)
19.00 End of all activities

Our fully qualified staff have previously planned the above-mentioned activities and participate to the periodical meetings for training (normally at the beginning of the working year, in autumn, with a monthly planning depending on the programmes and the themes).

" In the Daytime Center we have a staff of 8 workers and about 80 volunteers (among them many are young people). We have about 20 daily guests.
" The Relief Service is carried on by a worker together with a group of volunteers.
" All activities and services are coordinated by the worker in charge.

The EVS Volunteer will lodged in the apartment for temporary accomodation and will work to preserve it and collaborate with those who live in.
The premise of Piccola Fraternità is located in the down town: near the church, the market place, the local library, and the bus station. Not far (about 500 mt.) there is a cinema, a theatre, the stadium, the swimming pool and a big park.
Legnago is a little town of about 25.000 inhabitants. It lies 45 Km to the south-east of Verona and is crossed by the river Adige. In a distance of 50-60 Kms are the famous cities of Mantua, Rovigo, Padua, Vicenza, which you can reach by train or bus.
In Legnago, industrial - handicraft and rural activities are well developed in small-medium firms.
There are also many High Schools.
Our residence is situated in the center of Porto. A district of ca. 6000 inhabitants.
The building lies near the parish church and is well-served. (open-air market, shops, library with internet service, health center, chemistry, fitness center, means of transport..-). On the other side of the river Adige (that is about 0.5 Km. there are 2 cinemas, the town theatre, indoor and outdoor stadium, olympic indoor-outdoor pool and a wide park.
Porto is linked to Legnago and its districts by a net of tram lines. By bus or train you can easily reach the province of Verona.

Since 2002 we have hosted 6 EVS volunteers. Working and living together was an extraordinary experience for both sides and give us the opportunity to maintain contact with them even after years.

The motivation of our organisation to host international volunteers are:

" It will be an opportunity to know people with different culture and to make an experience of working together.
" We are sure that a service in Organizations which work with disabled people is incomparable for the young people's personal growth.
" The example of EVS volunteer can represent an incitement and a question to those young people who live nearby to undertake such an experience.
" It could be an experience which teach a peaceful way of thinking.

Volunteer's tasks

In the latest years our association have had the opportunity of hosting foreign volunteers (from Japan, Brasil, Germany and Morocco) for long periods.
Their role regarding our guests (people with handicap) has been to embody the concept of "foreigner" and, at the same time, to live concretely together day by day in order to overcome the personal and cultural differences. In this way our guests have been learning how much similar are the people even if they live very far from each other and have different habits. This is a step ahead to eliminate the mistrust towards the "unlike".
Our Association therefore intends to ask for the contribution of European voluntary young people to give a prosecution to this type of experience.

Volunteer's tasks consist on helping the operators who look after the guests, both in the Temporary Accomodation and in the Daytime Center activities.
In particular they will help our operators in:

" entertaining our guests with group-activities (parties, games, communications, etc.) by taking part and promoting new ways of entertaining (for example by arranging the Christmas Eve according to the habit of their country; teaching our guests songs or gingles in their own language);
" using the computer to write or play interactive games;
" compiling, together with the guests, a newsletter which contains a description of our association's activities;
" weekly reading a journal to help more "capable" guests using it as instrument of information. The foreign volunteer would have also the role to render the news from his/her countries more interesting by explaining and comparing what happens in his/her country and in Italy;
" Handicrafts, making our guests able to do by themselves some phases of the entire work (glass-painting, embroidery, recycled-paper works, etc.) so that they can even learn some simple handicrafts; moreover these activities require a pre-work (made by the volunteer) in order to let the material ready in time for being used by our guests according to their capacities.
" during the walk in the weekly market, in the park or trips periodically arranged to acquaint the guests with the territory;
" physical activities in the gym or at the swimming-pool (simple exercises related to guests' abilities);
" helping in the house' conduct were the volunteers live as if they were at home (evening meal, tiding up and washing, etc.);
" taking part to the summer stay at the mountain side in houses for handicap people. The volunteer will share with the guests almost every moment of the day especially when visiting the surrounding villages;
" introducing the experience as EVS' to young Italian people by arranging meetings and, above all, sharing together with them the service in the association.

After the first period of settling, the volunteer will observe how things are going on and how to act, then there will be the opportunity to take part to the activities of the Daytime Center helping the specialized operators doing their work. The volunteers are therefore informed of the educational projects for each guest in order to grant educational coherence and to reach, together with the operators, the aims of our Association. Evaluation time as comparison with the operators are also planned.
Our staff respond directly to our guests' needs, so the volunteer has the task to collaborate with the staff in doing their work and not to substitute them.

The timetable is referring from Monday to Friday of a typical working week. Saturdays and Sundays are free.

8.00 Waking up and breakfast
8.30 Activities in the Daytime Center
12.15 Lunch
13.00 Afternoon activities in the Daytime Center
16.30 End of activities and beginning of free time
lessons of Italian language
19.00 Get supper ready in the Temporary Accomodation.
19.30 Supper and Free time
20.30 Free Time
23.00 Overnight stay

This timetable is approximate and can change depending on volunteer's and on Organization's needs.

The volunteer we are looking for should be willing and reliable. He/she should be willing to establish a relationship with the disabled people and to let himself/herself accept and host in a familiar setting with its own peculiarities and habits which not always coincide with the volunteer's ones. He should be willing to dialogue and to listen, committing himself to carry on his/her own project; he/she should be curious to know a new reality and environment, and reliable to accept the challenge we are going to offer. We assure our volunteers, they will always find people with which they can confront themselves and who support them in order to let them do an unforgettable and meaningful experience.

On our side we are willing to help and collaborate with the Sending Organization to give the volunteers all the information they need to understand if the experience they are approaching to live, encounters their hopes and expectancies.

The volunteer receives all information and documents from both the Send- and Host Organization and can discuss with them about his/her service period by participating to the periodical meetings and seminars. He/She has an insurance for work hazards, according to the national law 81/2008 (EX626/94).
In Piccola Fraternità the volunteer has a tutor with whom he/she can talk about the service, the activities and the problems along his/her experience.
The Volunteer will receive a list of useful phone numbers. He/she will be put in contact with the other volunteers living around or by Legnago. This could be a great opportunity to share their experiences.
Our Association takes part to the European Voluntary Service for the following reasons:
- Within EVS two or more cultures can meet and develop mutual knowledge by working together.
- We are convinced a service with disable people is a great experience of personal growth especially for young people.
- The presence of EVS volunteer can become incitement for the young italian people to have such an experience .
- EVS brings up young people to social responsibility and peace.
- The project begins on 1st September end finishes on 31st August of the following year.

The Association Piccola Fraternità ONLUS in Porto Legnago works as Daytime Center for disabled people, according to an established programme and to a single special project for each user. It also gives its service as relief for the family who has a disable person.
The general aim of Piccola Fraternità is to create an environment and an atmosphere which foster human and Christian growth both of our guests and of those who work for. The methods of education we use are based on mutual respect, on psychological knowledge and on development of the user's potential.
Activities are coordinated by a social worker in charge with 2 workers full-time and 7 part-time. There are moreover about 80 volunteers (youngs and adults), who give their help according to a monthly time-table.
Our guests are adult people with psycho-physical disability and pathologies of medium-high level and just in few cases of very high level.
Our aim is to make their potential more and more active and operating, trying to reduce every sign of mind and body decadence.
A general plan of activities is usually made up at the beginning of the working-year (from September to August) developed in a more detailed programme during the weekly meetings. This enables us to fix the general aim and, at the same time, to grant those proposals closest to the users' needs.
Daytime Center is well-organized to answer the needs of disabled people and to come up to the activities arranged for them.
In the Daytime Center are carried out the following weekly activities:
" self-sufficiency
" common environment care (easy domestic works, housecleaning, laundry, wardrobe, garden...)
" physical activities in the gym or by swimming (Legnago is provided of Olympic indoor-outdoor pool)
" Newsletter editing
" Self-expressive activity
" Computer tools (writing/games)
" handiworks (embroidery; painting on paper, on canvas and glass; recycled paper; beading...)
" outdoor-activities (excursions, hikes, shopping and market)
" playing together
" mountain-holidays in summer
" pray-times during the day

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