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Temat: Angielski w Biznesie z LingApp #2 - Steve Jobs steps down...

Dear Business English learners,
Major news spread around the world today, especially for all you Apple users:
Steve Jobs "stepped down" as the CEO of the World's most recognised brand - Apple.


What will be the future be like for this technology giant, as their iconic leader leaves them
at the height of their growth?

I guess the famous: "Future will show" applies here.

Nonetheless, Jobs will for sure be a tough act to follow by his successors.

I wonder what are your thoughts on this change?
Do you feel your iPod/iPhone/iMac/MacBook is in danger ?

Read more (in English & learn new vocab) with LingApp:
"Apple CEO Steve Jobs Resigns, Suggests Tim Cook As Successor" by Fast Company

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and start improving your vocab in a fun way today!

Happy reading and let me know what you think of LingApp by commenting below.


Krzysztof Dargiewicz

1. spread around - rozpowszechniać, rozprzestrzeniać się[/b]
2. to step down - odejść, zrezygnować z
3. recognised brand - znana/rozpoznawalna marka
4. iconic - ikonowy, symboliczny
5. to be at a height of sthg. - u szczytu/ być na szczycie
6. to apply - aplikować, zastosować, przystosowywać,
7. nonetheless - pomimo tego
8. a tough act to follow - trudny do podrobienia, powtórzeniaKrzysztof Dargiewicz edytował(a) ten post dnia 25.08.11 o godzinie 11:43