Grzegorz Albinowski

Grzegorz Albinowski Senior Business
Transition Project

Temat: Portfolio Management (PM)

Val IT Framework based on COBIT = Entreprise Value Governance of IT Investments
Value Governance (VG) - Portfolio Management (PM) - Investment Management (IM)


Portfolio Management (PM)

PM1 Establish strategic direction and target investment mix.
Review and ensure clarity of the business strategy and identify and communicate opportunities for IT to influence or support the strategy. Define an appropriate investment mix based on rate of return, degree of risk and type of benefit for the programmes in the portfolio that implement the strategy. Adjust the business strategy where necessary, and translate it into the IT strategy and goals.

PM2 Determine the availability and sources of funds.
Determine potential sources of programme funds, the level of sourcing that can be achieved, and the methods needed for achieving it. Determine the implications of the funding source on the investment return expectations.

PM3 Manage the availability of human resources.
Create and maintain an inventory of business and IT human resources. Understand the current and future demand for human resources to support the IT-enabled investments and identify shortfalls and contention. Create and maintain tactical plans for HR management. Monitor and review the plans and the supporting organisational structures, and adjust where necessary.

PM4 Evaluate and select programmes to fund.
Evaluate programme business cases, assign a relative score, and make and communicate investment decisions based on the overall investment portfolio view and the individual scores. Subsequently, allocate funds; stage-gate the selected programmes; move them into the active investment portfolio and adjust business targets, forecasts and budgets accordingly.

PM5 Monitor and report on investment portfolio performance.
Provide a comprehensive and accurate view of the performance of the investment portfolio in a timely fashion to enable review, by the key stakeholders, of the enterprise’s progress toward identified goals.

PM6 Optimise investment portfolio performance.
Regularly review investment portfolio performance and optimise for new opportunities, synergies and changed risks. After optimisation review against the business strategy and investment mix, and reprioritise the portfolio if needed.