Zbigniew J Piskorz

Zbigniew J Piskorz www.PISKORZ.pl
kreowanie wizerunku

Temat: Masaż tajski zmienia budowę kości u kobiet - badanie...

Masaż tajski zmienia budowę kości u kobiet - badanie naukowe.
Tradycyjny masaz tajski wywolal szybkie i powazne zmiany w formowaniu sie kosci.
Badacze ze szpitala ramathibodi w bangkoku przeprowadzili badanie 30 zdrowych kobiet w wieku 20-40 lat, ktorym dano 2h masaz tajski.
Po zabiegu zauwazono zmiany w biochemicznych ...
wyznacznikach zwiazanych z budowa kosci - wzrost serum P1NP, ktory jest odpowiedzialny za wzrost kosci, i obnizenie serum CTx, ktory oznacza zanik kosci.
Bylo to pierwsze badanie nad zwiazkiem masazu z budowa kosci i jego wyniki sklaniaja naukowcow do kolejnych badan nad mansazem i zdrowiem kosci
(np w przeciwdzialaniu osteoporozie u kobiet).
Masaz tajski charakteryzuje sie silnym (na granicy bolu), rytmicznym naciskiem na system szkieletowy, i wlasnie ten nacisk ma stymulowac osteocyty.
Thai Massage Effects Changes in Bone Formation
Traditional Thai massage induced acute changes in bone formation and resorption markers, according to new research.
Researchers from the Department of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, in Bangkok, Thailand, had noted that mechanical loadings by active exercise or passive low-amplitude vibration have been shown to enhance bone mass or delay bone loss, and that "traditional Thai massage might be anabolic to bone due to the application of physical loading on the body in a rhythmic fashion," according to a report published on http://pubmed.gov.
They studied the skeletal effect of Thai massage by examining the changes in biochemical markers of bone turnover immediately after the massage, the report noted. Subjects consisted of 30 healthy females aged 20 to 40 years, each of whom received Thai massage for two hours by a single therapist.
The researchers found increases in levels of serum P1NP, a marker of bone formation; and lower levels of serum CTx, a marker of bone resorption, following the massage.
"Study on the more prolonged effects of Thai traditional massage is warranted to explore its implication in the enhancement of bone health," the researchers noted.
The research is published in the July issue (Jul;93(7):771-5) of the Journal of the Journal of the Medical Association of Thailandhttp://www.mat.or.th/journal/readpdf.php?link=files%2F... więcej
Thai Massage Effects Changes in Bone Formation
Traditional Thai massage induced acute changes in bone formation and resorption markers, according to new research.