Adriana B.

Adriana B. Senior Coordinator -
Gartner Poland

Temat: 20.12. Gartner Analyst in Warsaw - Meeting "Big Data, The...

Meeting with the Gartner Analyst - Frank Buytendijk
"Big Data, The World of Information, And Doing The Right Thing"
Date: 20.12.2013, 08:00-11:30
Place: Marriott Warsaw Hotel, Warsaw, Poland

Welcome to an atypical Gartner briefing. Atypical as we will not be discussing technology. Instead we will focus on people. In “Information 2020”, the topics are about human emotion. The conflict we see between the different approaches to Information Management. The excitement that exists around the opportunities that big data offers, and the fear people have for privacy aspects. In fact, in the 2nd half of the briefing we’ll take a notch up. We will be discussing one of the most crucial topics for the years to come, “ethics”. How do we make sure we do the right thing with technology? A full hour of socratic discussion.

08:00 – 08:30 Registration and Welcome Coffee

08:30 – 09:40 Information 2020: Big Data and Beyond
Information has become one of the most valuable assets that organizations have. New information-based revenue streams are becoming mainstream across multiple industries and "big data" technology innovation is challenging existing information infrastructure. Information management is a top priority for IT leaders around the world.

09:40 – 10:15 Coffee Break

10:15 – 11:15 Ethics and Technology
Organizations strive for ever-more operational excellence in business operations, and embrace analytics as the way to “predict the future”, or at least getting grip on the changes in our environment. But is that always GOOD? Are there things we shouldn’t do or shouldn’t know? Can the police use navigation data to plan speed traps? Can business analysts analyze anything they want? Does technology have a moral footprint? Esoteric? Hardly! In the years to come, taking the power of technology too far will cause large enterprises significant public embarrassment, and worse. Executives will have to step down for not having thought through these issues.

11:15 – 11:30 Gartner Events Snapshot

OPTIONAL AFTER EVENT (Separate registration required; Limited availibility - FCFS basis is applied):
11:45 – 17:45 - Analyst One-on-One Meeting Commence - We are offering an exclusive opportunity to speak directly with a Gartner Analyst in private during half-hour meetings. These sought-after private meetings allow you to explore solutions to your personal IT issues & challenges.

Speaker's profile:
Frank Buytendijk, Gartner Research VP, is an analyst with 23 years of experience in IT, covering "information innovation". Within this broad topic, Mr. Buytendijk specializes in information management strategies, big data and analytics. He recently developed a special interest in semantic technologies.

Author of books:
"Performance Leadership" on organizational behavior
"Dealing With Dilemmas" on strategy
"Socrates Reloaded" on the philosophy and ethics of information technology

Conference fees:
Licensed member of Gartner services in Poland: 0 PLN
Additional representative of the company being Gartner client in Poland: 850 PLN + 23% VAT
Others: 1700 PLN + 23% VAT

The language of the Local Briefing is English.
