Grzegorz Albinowski

Grzegorz Albinowski Senior Business
Transition Project

Temat: itSMF e-Symposium - Service Portfolio Management...

itSMF e-Symposium - Service Portfolio Management 29-1-2009 (czwartek) 15.00

Service Portfolio Management, your quickest route to Business Relationship Management?


Current economic factors make it tempting to fall back to reactive management practices. The need to make smart decisions is however even more important when resources and budgets are constrained. According to ITIL® v3, Service Portfolio Management considers services in terms of the business value that they provide.

■ Welcome by Moderator - Mike Simons, ComputerWorld UK
■ IT Service Portfolio Management - What IT needs to do to avoid cost cutting while Business is in survival mode - Arno Kapteyn, Capgemini
■ Making the Case for a General Ledger for the IT Service Portfolio - Helge Scheil, CA
■ Using 'Portfolio Thinking' to Improve the Business & IT Alignment - Peter Hinssen, Porthus, Across Group
■ Roundtable Discussion