Izabela Korzińska

Izabela Korzińska Architekt /
Developer ETL/TEam
Leader, Roche Polska

Temat: Informatica Reporting Services - błąd przy próbie startu

Nasz admin ma problem z tą usługą - najpierw tworzy serwis, potem repozytorium i przy próbie startu dostaje błąd: "RPS_19999 - Caller: class java.lang.Class, Message: 'Exception when creating session'".

Źródło jest na oracle'u.
Czy ktoś z Was apotkał się z czymś takim? Jak wpisałam ten błąd do wujka google'a, to mi niczego nie znalazł :(
Izabela Korzińska

Izabela Korzińska Architekt /
Developer ETL/TEam
Leader, Roche Polska

Temat: Informatica Reporting Services - błąd przy próbie startu

Dostałam odpowiedź na priv od Marcina Molaka, więc za jego zgodą publikuję:

Informacja o problemie jest tutaj:


Treść poniżej (ale można w tym serwisie zarejestrować się za darmo):

Problem Description

In Informatica 9.0.1, while starting a Reporting Service (Data Analyzer), it fails and the following is displayed:

RPS_19999 Caller: class java.lang.Class, Message: 'Exception when creating session'

Service log shows the below message:

2010-08-24 12:52:53 : ERROR : (0 | http- : (RPS | INFADA_RS) : INFA_PNODE : RPS_19999 : Caller: class java.lang.Class, Message: 'Exception when creating session'
An internal PowerCenter Data Analyzer system error has occurred. There are problems with the PowerCenter Data Analyzer session.

Cause This issue occurs when an Administrator user is assigned to a group created by user.


This is a known issue and a CR (CR 239292) has been raised to be addressed in future releases.

To resolve this issue, do the following:

1. Stop/disable the Reporting Service.
2. Under Security tab, go to the group created by user and remove the user Administrator from the group.
3. Ensure that the background Java process does not run (ps -ef | grep JBoss shows the running JBoss process on UNIX; use a third party tool to find the process on Windows). If it is running, kill the JBoss process.
4. Remove or clean up the files or folders within the tmp, data, work, log and ias found under jboss/server/informatica.
5. Restart the Reporting Service from the Informatica Administrator.

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