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Temat: Paczki - HTTPS


mam kolejny problem, chciałbym aby agenci zainstalowani na komputerach klienckich pobierali utworzone paczki po HTTPS (obecnie robią to po HTTP). Gdy tworzę paczkę, w polu "protokół" mam do wyboru wyłącznie HTTP - brak HTTPS. Agenci posiadają certyfikat - inwentaryzacja jest wysyłana prawidłowo na serwer. Fragment logu:

DOWNLOAD => Package <1409816253> verified and added to process queue
DOWNLOAD => Verifying package <C:\ProgramData\OCS Inventory NG\Agent\download\1409833305>
DOWNLOAD => Package <1409833305> verified and added to process queue
DOWNLOAD => Processing packages for cycle 1 on Monday, September 08, 2014 12:23:31
DOWNLOAD => Pausing for cycle latency (60 seconds)
DOWNLOAD => Processing packages for cycle 2 on Monday, September 08, 2014 12:24:31
DOWNLOAD => Pausing for cycle latency (60 seconds)
DOWNLOAD => Processing packages for cycle 3 on Monday, September 08, 2014 12:25:31
DOWNLOAD => Pausing for cycle latency (60 seconds)
DOWNLOAD => Processing packages for cycle 4 on Monday, September 08, 2014 12:26:31
DOWNLOAD => Pausing for cycle latency (60 seconds)
DOWNLOAD => Processing packages for cycle 5 on Monday, September 08, 2014 12:27:31
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1409816253-1>
COM SERVER => Initializing cURL library for getFile
COM SERVER => Using cURL without server authentication
COM SERVER => Disabling cURL proxy support
COM SERVER => Enabling cURL SSL server validation support using CA Bundle <cacert.pem>
COM SERVER => Sending fileGet request to URL <>;
WARNING *** COM SERVER => Failed to send HTTP Get request <Couldn't connect to server>
COM SERVER => Cleaning cURL library

Serwer jak i agent w wersji 2.1.2

Co robię źle lub czego nie zrobiłem? ;)


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Temat: Paczki - HTTPS

OCS posiada w ogóle możliwość pobierania całych plików po https? W ustawieniach zmienną DOWNLOAD_URI_FRAG można ustawić jedynie z adresem http.

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