Katarzyna Kraus

Katarzyna Kraus Technical Writer,
Erlang Solutions

Temat: Erlang User Group meeting - 23.10 "Mock meeting"

Zapraszamy do udziału w Październikowym spotkaniu grupy użytkowników Erlanga.

23.10. 2014 17:00

Chętnych prosimy o rejestrowanie się na meetupie: http://www.meetup.com/Erlang-User-Group-Krakow/events/211179962/

“Mocking in any language is an extremely simple concept. I believe it took me something under a week to understand how it works. It took me over two years to comprehend why I would need it. And probably it will take me few more years to fully understand why I should not use it.

On this meeting we will tackle the big questions: “why” and “how”. You may expect simple examples with eunit, a little bit of python, another proof that Erlang is great, and some pointers to a top-down design. We will not burden ourselves with differentiating between dummies, mocks, spies, fakes and stubs, but I will explain why. Don’t forget your thinking caps.”