Bartłomiej Polakowski

Bartłomiej Polakowski Kierownik Zespołu
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Temat: Nowa wersja - Adobe Connect Pro

Nie wiedzialem, ze Adobe tez ma cos wspolnego z e-learningiem a tu niespodzianka (oplacalo sie nie wyjsc w ten sloneczny poranek na spacer i posiedziec przed komputerem;)
Acrobat Connect Pro jest zaawansowanym narzedziem do Web conferencingu, ktore mozemy zintegrowac z LMS w celu organizacji i prowadzenia wirtualnych klas. Wiecej ponizej

Adobe Systems has announced a new version of Adobe® Acrobat® Connect™ Pro, the company’s Web conferencing and eLearning solution.

Acrobat Connect Pro includes many new features for Web conferencing such as options for archiving and editing recorded online meetings; new presence capabilities that can allow federation with popular instant messaging (IM) clients; and powerful compliance and usage reporting tools. eLearning enhancements include break-out rooms to let students in virtual classes initiate separate conversations online; rapid authoring of video-based content; integration with Learning Management Systems (LMS) from Blackboard and SumTotal; and tools that track and organize online classes. Users also can easily tailor training sessions or meetings that help capture participants’ attention and increase knowledge retention, resulting in an online learning experience remarkably similar to an in-person class.

