Bartłomiej Polakowski

Bartłomiej Polakowski Kierownik Zespołu
odpowiedzialny za
wdrażanie ...

Temat: m-learning: International Journal of Interactive Mobile...

Jest juz dostepny kolejny numer iJIM zajmujacy sie interaktywnymi technologiami mobilnymi. Jeszcze nie czytalem ale sadzac po tematach artykulow osoba interesuja sie m-learningiem znajdzie tu sporo ciekawych informacji.

Mobile Discussion Boards: An Analysis on Mobile Collaboration
Kathryn Mac Callum

Mobile Technologies and its Impact ­ An Analysis in Higher Education Context
Seibu Mary Jacob, Biju Issac

A Context-Aware Approach for Modeling Bijective Adaptations between Context and Activity in a Mobile and Collaborative learning
Jihene Malek, Mona Laroussi, Alain Derycke, Henda Ben Ghezala

Impact on Social Change: Benefits and Barriers to School Culture and the Integration of M-Technology
Karen E. Smith, Orest Cap

Short Papers
The Importance of the Learner's Environmental Context in the Design of M-Learning Products
David Guralnick

Mobile Service Providers and M-learning in Nigeria: Mobility in a Contracting Space
Lukman Ibraheem Diso
