Grzegorz Albinowski

Grzegorz Albinowski Senior Business
Transition Project

Temat: itSMF UK e-Seminar: ITIL Service Strategy

itSMF UK e-Seminar: ITIL Service Strategy

You wouldn't undertake even the most menial project without having a clearly understood strategy and a plan to reach the desired goal. Service Management is no different. A critical success factor for producing business value from Service Management, is first having clearly articulated reasons for all of the investment and effort related to Service Management. During this e-symposium, we'll explore the elements that need to go into an effective Service Strategy from value identification to risk mitigation and how this can be applied to drive success for your organization.

■ Welcome by Moderator - Mike Simons, Editor, ComputerWorld UK
■ Service Strategy. Fundamental to Service Management - Ivor MacFarlane, Service Management Evangelist, IBM
■ IT Service Strategy. A Practical Approach to Transforming Your IT Capabilities and Resources Into More Business Value - Bill Powell, IT Service Management Portfolio Director, IBM
■ Useful Tips for Small Organisations - Kevin Holland, Programme Head, Service Management and Delivery Directorate, NHS Connecting for Health
■ Roundtable Discussion - Bill Powell, Ivor MacFarlane, Kevin Holland

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it Service Management Forum (itSMF)
