Temat: Ayurvedic treatment for eczema

Ayurvedic Medicine, or Ayurveda, is an ancient healing system that originated in India. It focuses on improving overall health and balance based on one’s unique body constitution. Ayurveda treats diseases by fostering a balance in the underlying combination of elements of the universe believed to form our body (space, air, fire, water, and earth). Treatment is usually done via a combination of diet, herbal supplements, and massages with special oils. Trained Ayurvedic doctors can identify the body type and the type of imbalance and suggest corrective herbs. These usually work quite instantly for minor conditions, but take longer for chronic and systemic issues.

Why did you try Ayurvedic treatment for Elina’s eczema?

We grew up in a culture of home remedies, mostly derived from ancient Ayurvedic wisdom. Both of us were aware of — and familiar with — the treatment option. Given the challenges with a child being able to take bitter herbs and sit through massages, we did not try this option until she was 5 years old.

What was your experience with the Ayurvedic approach?

The Ayurvedic approach required us to be highly disciplined about the schedule of herbs, massages, and baths. Our biggest challenge was to follow the Ayurvedic protocol along with her usual schedule of school and other activities. As the Ayurvedic doctor had informed us, for a systemic condition like Elina’s eczema, the approach required tremendous patience and persistence with the treatment, especially for the first few weeks, before we could start seeing any major results. In the meantime, we continued to manage her condition mainly through topical steroids, antihistamines, and Pranic Healing.

What were the results, and how quickly did you see them?

We started to see that Elina was already feeling much better within two weeks of starting the treatment. The best way to measure progress for Elina was to monitor the frequency of antihistamine and topical steroid use. She went from using them at least twice every day to every other day to once a few days within the first month. After a month, her flare-ups started to become farther apart and fewer in number. Within two months, we were using antihistamines very sparingly — only upon any aggravating attack, perhaps once in a few weeks — and we were largely able to manage her flares with over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream once in awhile.

For more information - https://www.travancoreayurveda.com/skin-diseases/