Anna Muszyńska

Anna Muszyńska Dyrektor ds
Inwestycji Klientów,
Private Wealth

Temat: Lehman Brothers poszukuje specjalisty do pracy we Wrocławiu

Dla zainteresowanych:

"We do a lot of work in Poland, and are looking to hire a Wroclaw based experienced professional.
Candidates must be fluent in English, and ideally, the candidate will have been educated in the US or UK and has banking experience"

Dan Foell, CFA
Lehman Brothers
Phone: 44 (0) 207.102.8541
Mobile: 44 (0) 777.555.3531
Anna Muszyńska

Anna Muszyńska Dyrektor ds
Inwestycji Klientów,
Private Wealth

Temat: Lehman Brothers poszukuje specjalisty do pracy we Wrocławiu

Wspominałam o tej ofercie jakiś czas temu, teraz konkrety:

Firma: Lehman Brothers
Stanowisko: Head of Asset Management Poland (praca we Wrocławiu)

Wymagania: The candidate will be responsible to supervise and manage the non-performing loans acquired by Lehman Brothers in Poland. The candidate will work closely with the servicing company Lehman Brothers is working with in Poland (Kruk S.A. in Wroclaw) and will manage a team of 25 to 35 asset managers from Kruk S.A.. The candidate will work in Wroclaw (Kruk SA’s head office). It is a full-time position. The candidate should have a prior experience in managing a team and also have experience in the banking or debt collection sectors and speak English fluently. All interested candidates should send their CV in English to Mathieu Desforges. (
Korzyści: To be discussed (salary + benefits + performance related bonus).

Data ważności: 31 Mars 2008

Adres: 25 Bank Street London E14 5LE UK
Osoba do kontaktu: Mathieu Desforges.

Następna dyskusja:

CFA Society of Poland - Job...

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