Ewelina Janusz-Patyk

Strategy & Knowledge Executive
Wrocław, dolnośląskie

Doświadczenie zawodowe

CCIG Group
Chief Knowledge Officer
Apple Inc
Certified Sales Trainer
PKO Bank Polski
Consultant, Training & Development
Delivery Partner
Accessus Consulting
Adjunct Professor
Metropolitan College of New York
“Management” (MBA Level) “Introduction to Business and Management” (Undergraduate Level)
• Taught business courses in classroom and online environment.
o Conveyed new concepts and information to enhance learning.
• Developed 15-week online/blended Introduction to Business and Management course (Blackboard)
Project Manager / Learning Solutions Designer
American Management Association
Results-focused learning professional responsible for developing a solution that supports client’s strategic plan.
Project managed the development and implementation of customized seminars and other learning solutions from pre-sale to post-sale stage: accountable for design, pricing, staffing and execution of about 200 projects annually.
o Managed curriculum development that requires global consistency. Worked closely with Asian, European and US course leaders and AMA partners to ensure consistency of content delivered worldwide.
o Worked effectively in a fast-paced and customer-driven envirnoment, Responsible for internal and external communication; accountable for keeping the project team on track through team consensus (average 7-20 team members)
o Provided quality control of AMA Intellectual Property issues in non-standard customer solutions/ Assessed pricing and Contracted with Developers to extend AMA intelectual property rights
Identified and worked on process improvement opportunities to enhance workflow and productivity

Szkolenia i kursy

Coaching Your Sales Team
Selling to Senior Executives
Improving Your Project Management Skills
Strategies for Developing Effective Presentation Skills
Assertiveness Training for Women in Business


Summer Studies, studia podyplomowe
Université de Paris
Summer Studies, studia podyplomowe
Regent's College / UK
General Management, MBA
Metropolitan College of New York - School of Business
Podatki, licencjackie
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Poznaniu


Human Resources/Zasoby ludzkie
Zarządzanie HR


Learning, Education and Training Professionals Group


Mertopolitan College of New York/ MBA:
Graduated Summa Cum Laude GPA 3.9
Dean’s List/Presidential and Star Scholarships
Member of Dean’s Search Committee- represented student’s body in a process of selecting new dean for Business School
Honored "Who Is Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges"

Recommended By (from http://www.linkedin.com/in/ewelinajanuszpatyk)

“Ewelina provided excellent recommendations and support for custom client solutions utilizing the capabilities of AMA. In addition to her ability to provide solutions to the clients business issues, she always demonstrated a can-do attitude through her availability and responsiveness to needs. Steve” November 6, 2008

Steve Berg , Regional Director , AMA
worked directly with Ewelina at American Management Association

“Ewelina, was detailed oriented, excellent communicator and flexible negotiator. It was a pleasure working with her.” October 31, 2008

Jeri Bailer , Manager, Graphic Production , American Management Association
worked with Ewelina at American Management Association

“I have worked with Ewelina on a number of projects. On each and every project, her assessment of what was needed and the prework that she did for each and every project resulted in a quality product that our clients valued and utilized to meet their organizational needs. Her multi-tasking skills as a project manager are enviable. Ewelina is able to manage the development of and produce numerous quality learning solutions within short periods of time for a variety of clients. Ewelina's overriding strength is her ability to quickly distinguish "the wheat from the chaff."” October 28, 2008

Carol Kocher , Instructional Designer , American Management
worked directly with Ewelina at American Management Association

“Ewelina's commitment to providing the best service and product to our external clients was instrumental in my own personal success as a Sales person. She juggled multiple complex projects for me and others, often acting as a middle-man for things that were not her responsibility. Ewelina truly worked as a partner to utilize our mutual expertise to create effective solutions for our clients.” October 28, 2008

Cindy LaMay , Regional Account Manager , American Management Association
worked with Ewelina at American Management Association

“Ewelina is very client focused and goes the extra mile to deliver the best learning solution. She is detail oriented and has a strong work ethic. She is great to collaborate with and knows what is takes to get the job done.” October 27, 2008

Annette Homan , Director, Professional & Technical Portfolios , American Management Association
worked with Ewelina at American Management Association

“Ewelina's attention to detail, understanding and ability to execute on a tight project timeline and willingness to do what it takes to ensure an excellent outcome made my job easier in every instance. In addition, her enthusiasm and professionalism make her a pleasure to work with.” October 27, 2008

Katherine Casler , Regional Account Manager , American Management Association International (AMA)
worked with Ewelina at American Management Association

“Ewelina is a valuable team player who listens to input from others and who develops a training solution that aligns to client's needs. She manages multiple projects in varying stages with ease. Ewelina's commitment to a project is evident in her follow through as she proactively seeks validation of assumptions. She monitors and manages the work flow of others who do not have a direct report status to meet critical deadlines. Ewelina is an asset to any team with her collaborative style that encourages open interaction.” October 27, 2008

Vikki Girard , Regl Acct Manager , AMA
worked with Ewelina at American Management Association

“Ewelina was an intelligent, perceptive and helpful colleague. She always approached projects in a thoughtful and professional manner. It was a pleasure working with her and she is greatly missed around the office!” October 26, 2008

Joseph D'Amico , Intellectual Property Specialist , American Management Association
worked with Ewelina at American Management Association

“Ewelina's attention to detail has resulted in flawless execution of my projects. I couldn't have asked for a better Project Manager.” October 22, 2008

Benjamin Kline , Regional Account Manager , American Management Association
worked directly with Ewelina at American Management Association


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