Dominik Ras

Project Manager at Polcode
Warszawa, mazowieckie


Axure C# Confluence CSS CSS3 DHTML Document Management Dreamweaver Eclipse HTML HTML 5 iOS JavaScript Jive SBS Joomla jQuery jQuery Mobile jQuery UI JSON LinkedIn LogMeIn Mac OS MBA Microsoft Excel Microsoft Office Microsoft Word NetBeans NetSuite System Mac OS X Zapewnienia Jakości Redmine Wyrażenia regularne SharePoint Skype Social Media dokumentacja oprogramowania SQL SQL 2008 T-SQL Stored Procedures TeamViewer pomoc techniczna Testowanie VB.NET Visual Studio WCF Web Design System Windows Windows 7 Workflow Management Systems Xcode XML Extensible Stylesheet Language XSLT Microsoft PowerPoint Adobe Photoshop Balsamiq Windows 8 SQL Server Team Foundation Server Documentation Custom Reporting social business software Document Management Systems Makro slack JoinME



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Project Manager
Edge Technology
Business entity focused on providing comupter technology services
Board of Directors
Polonia Technica
Brand development, web site traffic growth, social media presence, online user forum coordination, SEO, organizational decision making.
Thomson Reuters
Lead Software Engineer
Complex software solutions for customers of Thomson Reuters Tax & Accounting is my specialty. Working with new SQL database tricks, local desktop and server applications as well as web apps fueled by social collaboration at work is what keeps me going everyday.
Software Project Engineer
Building web applications, administration and integration with ERP systems, developing mobile applications and dealing with social media channels.
55 Kip Center
I helped with basic IT management efforts and built PowerPoint presentation materials for public gathering/festival purposes.
Thomson Reuters
Sr. Application Consultant
Advising representatives of accounting and financial industries on how to use software provided by Thomson Reuters for the most uncommon yet most processing intensive tasks. Where necessary, after in-dept analysis I designed custom solutions, provided specs, time and money estimates as well as overall SOW documents. I was also responsible for development, testing and deployment of those custom tools on customer sites' through remote connection software such as GoToMeeting, WebEx or JoinMe. Those custom solutions interacted and enhanced out-of-the box Thomson Reuters software solutions for desktop, server and web.
Thomson Reuters
Technical Consultant
My analysis of specific needs coming directly from business end-users of financial, tax and accounting software was followed by detailed statements of work, T&M estimates as well as quotes and documentation. My responsibility also included development of proposed custom software solutions. Those web-based, local and server solutions provided functional extensions of features not yet available in publicly offered programs and services. My role also included advisory functions on new and enhanced usage of existing software in customers' business environments. Strictly pushing for creation of new custom software was not my objective: I inspected and researched optional and rare uses of existing software to suggest best course of action, which included recommendations on optimal procedures that adhered to clients' business models.
Senior Technical Support Specialist
The Thomson Corporation
I was the leading support representative for a leading product in ASP model Document Management System called GoFileRoom - for a niche accounting martket (at the time).
Technical Support Specialist
The Thomson Corporation
Research, analysis and providing solutions to customer inquiries about offered software was my primary objective. Fast-paced work environment stimulated great team effort and super-fast exchange of latest information about new and enhanced ways of solving problems for our customers. Solutions included, but were not limited to Microsoft operating systems of various versions, web browser compatibilities, high-speed scanning hardware and software, Adobe software conflicts, Kofax software optimization, internet connectivity saturation, slowness and instability. All of those highly demanding and technical tasks were closely tied together with my end-to-end expertise of proprietary tax and accounting software: document management systems, practice management systems, workflow management modules, custom calendars as well as web-based portals. Immediate, cordial and down-to-the-point communication adjusted to individual customer's needs and technical aptitude was a daily requirement for this position.
Technical Support Representative
Montclair State University
My main responsibility was to solve highest (3rd and 4th) level of software, network and security issues on desktop, laptop computers/devices used on and off-campus. I was responsible for prompt and effective in-person, phone, on-line chat as well as email communication with commuters, students in dorms, staff and faculty members of Montclair State University.
Quality Assurance Intern
Immediatech Corporation
Documenting test cases, updating test scenarios in multiple environments and software testing.
Computer Lab Technician
County College of Morris
Solving hardware and software issues on Windows and Mac operating systems as well as thin clients allowed me to interact with wide range of end-users from education and IT industries. My responsibility included software deployments, security vulnerability repairs, technical support for patrons of 30 college computer labs. Teaching and mentoring students became my expertise, especially in the area of Microsoft Office suite, JBuilder, Unix command prompt environment, Windows and Microsoft Visual Studio. I was also responsible for repairs of computer hardware which included inventory management, dealing with various vendors of parts and replacement/warranty services.

Szkolenia i kursy

MBA w Montclair State University
Certyfikat z Programowania Internetowego, County College Of Morris
IBUQ International Board for Usability Qualification


Management Information Systems, MBA
Montclair State University
Computer Science, conc. Professional Computing, magisterskie
Montclair State University
Computer Information Systems, inżynierskie
Sussex County Community College
Computer Informataion Systems, licencjackie
County College of Morris


IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Programista .NET
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Zarządzanie projektem
Obsługa klienta
Usługi profesjonalne


Fotografia mobilna
Sieci społecznościowe
Programming utilizing GFR XML API (SDK for GoFileRoom document management system) and various web technologies
Nowe Media


Polonia Technica
Thomson Reuters Community Champion
55 Kipp Center


Agora SA
Agora SA
Agora to wydawca Gazety Wyborczej - największej polskiej gazety opiniotwórczej, Metra - największego polskiego dziennika bezpłatnego, właścicielem stacji radiowych - TOK FM, Rock Radio, Złote P
Apple Specialist
Apple Specialist
Grupa ludzi bardzo dobrze zorientowanych w dziedzinie Apple
Bazy Danych
Bazy Danych
Zagadnienia bazodanowe: SQL99 i jego implementacje w popularnych systemach RDBMS: Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, IBM DB2 i inne.
Business IT
Business IT
Grupa firm branży IT / INTERNET. Liderzy i Eksperci. Wydarzenia branżowe rynku IT (B2B). Zarządzanie IT, badanie IT, startupy IT, technologia IT, internet IT, ebiznes IT.
Grupa ludzi pracujących na komputerach Apple.
Języki Skryptowe
Języki Skryptowe
Grupa dla pasjonatów Języków Skryptowych takich jak Perl, Python, Ruby,SH, no i może jeszcze PHP, ale to tak na końcu :).
Marketing Internetowy
Marketing Internetowy
Profesjonalisci z branzy digital marketing, polaczmy swe sily i umiejetnosci zeby ksztaltowac polski rynek.
Młodzi przedsiębiorcy :-)
Młodzi przedsiębiorcy :-)
Młodzi przedsiębiorcy
Mój Własny Biznes
Mój Własny Biznes
Dla wszystkich, którzy marzą aby otworzyć swój własny biznes lub już go mają. Pomysły, porady itp.
IT – Praca dla osób z charakterem
IT – Praca dla osób z charakterem
Grupa zrzesza informatyków oraz konsultantów branży IT. Dyskusje oraz możliwości współpracy to cel tej grupy.
Projekty start-up
Projekty start-up
internetowe start-upy, wszystko co zwiazane z nowymi projektami, ich finansowaniem i zarzadzaniem
Przedsiębiorcy, osoby przedsiębiorcze, współpraca biznesowa, przyjaciele biznesowi, rozwój osobisty i firmowy, pomoc, dotacje, biznesplany. Przedsiębiorczość