Alicja Monczakowska

Rokietnica, wielkopolskie


Fakturowanie Zarządzanie biurem SAP Pakiet MS Offfice Exact Synergy



Doświadczenie zawodowe

John Deere Polska Sp.z o.o.
Internet Coordinator
John Deere Polska Sp.z o.o.
Assistant to General Manager / Office Coordinator / EHS Coordinator
* providing written translations;
* preparing reports;
* preparing power point presentations;
* arranging travel insurances;
* arranging travel and accommodation;
* managing the office layout and maintaining supplies of stationery and equipment;
* pool car management;
* mobile phones management
* performing administrative support;
* performing support in topics related to safety and health (Bhp) issues;
* inputing purchase orders in SAP;
* other ad hoc duties.

BSC Office and EHS Coordinator / Starszy inspektor ds. BHP i Koordynator Biura BSC
John Deere
Dec 2017 – Present

Covering two main areas of responsibilities:
- coordination of the Business Service Center office in Poznan, which includes: supervising of the Business Garden premises administrator and office services suppliers, BCP coordination for two localization: Business Service Center and Branch; coordinating Team Enrichment initiatives for employees in BSC and supporting the BSC team in Corporate Social Responsibility issues.
- coordination of Environmental Health & Safety related issues covering JDPL Branch Office, JDPL Business Service Center Office and also future JD Bank Branch in Poland.

References for Assistant to General Manager position
Garvest Sp. z O.O.
Office Manager
* performing administrative support for 15 companies;
* Managing the financial activities:
- receiving and settling invoices;
- managing staff payroll;
- making cash reports
* managing the human resources activities
- maintaining employee records
- recruiting staff - this includes developing job descriptions and person specifications, preparing advertisements and checking application forms (I do not conduct interviews)
* managing the administrative support infrastructure and office infrastructure, (eg. Building, facilities repair, office equipment etc)
* organizing the office layout and maintaining supplies of stationery and equipment;
* arranging travel and accommodation (both in country and abroad)
* dealing with incoming email, faxes and post;
* making all sort of written translations (mostly agreements and shareholders resolutions)
* organizing all sort of company parties

additional duties from June 2014 - March 2015
* end to end payroll processing,
* understanding and following payroll procedures and payroll related forms.
* maintaining and updating employee records on the payroll system,
* clearance of working time,
* preparing month-end processes such as drawing up the declarations for ZUS, US and PRFON obligations,
* preparation of employee contracts

I'm a one-man band so to say.

Office Assistant
* administrative support of the regional subsidiary
* organizing conferences and trainings for contractors
* keeping the documents workflow in accordance with the applicable procedures
* preliminary dealing with cost documents, close cooperation with accountant's office
* supporting the Area Manager
* creating, analysis and supervision of the office budget
* managing and updating the customer data-base
* preparing offers and agreements for the contractors

Assistant to Operations Manager
Konsorcjum Biznesowe Euro Inwest sp. z o.o.
* administrative support of the office
* preparing weekly, monthly and quarterly statements summarizing the activities of the company (a very good knowledge of Excel)
* managing and updating the customer data-base
* organizing trainings and meetings
* supervision of press advertisements posted by the company
Administrative worker
Konsorcjum Biznesowe Euro Inwest sp. z o.o.
* managing the customer data-base
* accounting of sales representatives and employees
* preparation of correspondence and loan documentation
* providing information concerning company's products via phon

Szkolenia i kursy

Excel - intermediate level ("Excel dla średniozaawansowanych") conducted by STowarzyszenie Księgowych w Polsce
Calculation of remuneration in practice ("Naliczanie wynagrodzeń w praktyce") conducted by TaxNet Sp. z o.o.
Employee on sickleave - sickness benefit ("Pracownik na chorobowym - roliczanie zasiłków") BDO Polexpert
HR and payrolls ("Kadry i płace") conducted by Stowarzyszenie Księgowych w Polsce
How to deal with personal files ("Jak bezbłędnie prowadzić dokumentację pracowniczą") conducted by Most Wanted
Recent changes in Płatnik ("Zmiany w programie Płatnik") - BDO Polexpert


Zarządzanie Bezpieczeństwem i Higieną Pracy, studia podyplomowe
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
HR Management, magisterskie
Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Bankowości w Poznaniu
English, licencjackie
Wyższa Szkoła Języków Obcych im. Samuela Lindego


Administracja biurowa
Stanowiska asystenckie
Administracja biurowa
Wprowadzanie/Przetwarzanie danych
Administracja biurowa
Zarządzanie biurem i administracja
BHP/Ochrona środowiska
Human Resources/Zasoby ludzkie


Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Bankowości w Poznaniu
Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Bankowości w Poznaniu
Najstarsza niepubliczna uczelnia wyższa w Wielkopolsce, która przez 22 lata działalności wykształciła ponad 37 tys. absolwentów. Sprawdź naszą ofertę studiów.
Office Managers
Office Managers
Miejsce, gdzie spotykają się osoby czuwające nad sprawnym funkcjonowaniem biura