Alexandr Pustovalov

National Operations Manager / Project Manager


Zarządzanie klientami B2B Budżety FMCG Rozwój kluczowych klientów Zarządzanie kluczowymi klientami Przywództwo Zarządzanie zarządzanie marketingiem Negocjacje New Business Development Rozwój produktu Project Management Handel Sales Zarządzanie Sprzedażą Start-upy Strategia Telekomunikacja Trade Marketing Szkolenie Zarządzanie zespołem Sprzedaż

Doświadczenie zawodowe

Henkel Project Manager
Pulse Ltd.
Project design, procedures, instructions, forms, reports, budget
Client Management
Search, selection, adaptation, training and management team
Managing merchandising and promotions process in key retail in Ukraine, carrying out trade-marketing campaigns, price and activities monitoring
PEOPLENET Sp. z o.o.
National Sales Manager
First 3G Mobile ISP in Ukraine
My objectives:
Sales Team Management to reach sales targets
Trade-marketing activities and analysis
Negotiating with key accounts and national retail chains
Pricing policy and stock management
Division Sales Manager (FMCG)
Pulse Ltd.
Outsourcing Project - Sales and Merchandising
My objectives:
Sales Team Management for sales targets achievment
Work with key accounts, National and local retail chains, huge B2B clients
Take participation at development of launching strategy of new product
Stock management, forecast selling, trade-marketing activities
Start up sales in new areas


Organisation of international transportation and Logistics, magisterskie
Pre-Azov State Technical University, Mariupol