Aleksandra Jagła

Recruitment Manager, 360 Recruitment Ltd.
Bytom, śląskie

Doświadczenie zawodowe

360 Recruitment Ltd
Recruitment Manager
Responsible for the recruiting activity of organisation.
Duties include following categories:

Management support - providing professional support and advice on recruitment to line and departmental managers, and advise managers on best practice recruitment and selection.
Advertising - preparing job descriptions and personnel specifications, write job advertisements and decide how and where jobs will be advertised, design application forms and prepare other recruitment material such as brochures. Also work on more creative solutions to recruitment, especially if it is proving problematic.
Selection - screening application forms, shortlist applicants, devise and implement selection processes, conduct interviews, psychometric tests and personality questionnaires and various group activities.
Training - training staff in interviewing techniques, help to relocate staff to new departments and jobs due to restructuring.
Redundancy - assist in the implementation of redundancy programmes, including voluntary redundancy and early retirement schemes.
In addition, keeping up to date with current employment legislation, and ensuring line managers are briefed on any changes where appropriate.

Work with line managers within your my organisation to recruit staff, as well as external agencies such as job centres and recruitment agencies.
Creative Manager
Galeria Sztuki "Od Nowa 2"
Responsible for the direction of a company's visual brand. Developing the strategy for marketing and public relations for a business, and ensure that other employees in the creative department work to support that goal.


Prawo, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


Human Resources/Zasoby ludzkie
Rekrutacja/Employer Branding


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