Adrian Stolarski

Founder and start-up engineer


  • Adrian Stolarski
    Wpis na tablicy
    • 11.05.2013, 20:32
  • Adrian Stolarski
    Wpis na tablicy przez @adrian_stolarsk
    • 11.05.2013, 10:53
  • Adrian Stolarski
    Wpis na grupie DZIŚ NA MOIM BLOGU w temacie Dziś na moim blogu ...
    11.05.2013, 10:00

    Dywagacje na temat haseł:

    Library to create passwords - how mechanisms designed to manage your passwords?

    We jump from topic to topic. CMS has been started. But today we will be a different thing. Every conversation motivates me to certain things. Today I will show another thing. We will begin work on the library in Java, whose task will be to generate secure passwords. This application is not difficult to write. But perhaps first a little about the idea. post został edytowany przez Autora dnia 11.05.13 o godzinie 10:01

  • Adrian Stolarski
    Wpis na grupie Blogi w temacie Ciekawy wpis na blogu
    11.05.2013, 10:00

    Dywagacje na temat haseł:

    Library to create passwords - how mechanisms designed to manage your passwords?

    We jump from topic to topic. CMS has been started. But today we will be a different thing. Every conversation motivates me to certain things. Today I will show another thing. We will begin work on the library in Java, whose task will be to generate secure passwords. This application is not difficult to write. But perhaps first a little about the idea. post został edytowany przez Autora dnia 11.05.13 o godzinie 10:01

  • Adrian Stolarski
    Wpis na grupie Blogerzy w akcji w temacie Najnowsze wpisy
    11.05.2013, 10:00

    Dywagacje na temat haseł:

    Library to create passwords - how mechanisms designed to manage your passwords?

    We jump from topic to topic. CMS has been started. But today we will be a different thing. Every conversation motivates me to certain things. Today I will show another thing. We will begin work on the library in Java, whose task will be to generate secure passwords. This application is not difficult to write. But perhaps first a little about the idea. post został edytowany przez Autora dnia 11.05.13 o godzinie 10:01

  • Adrian Stolarski
    Wpis na tablicy
    • 11.05.2013, 09:56
  • Adrian Stolarski
    Wpis na tablicy
    nic mnie tak nie wkurza jak synchronizacja bitcoin :P
    • 10.05.2013, 21:22
  • Adrian Stolarski
    Wpis na tablicy
    • 10.05.2013, 20:53
  • Adrian Stolarski
    Wpis na grupie Projekty start-up w temacie Start-up...s na 4 mln pln

    Aby mieć możliwość przeczytania tego posta musisz być członkiem grupy Projekty start-up

  • Adrian Stolarski
    Wpis na tablicy przez @adrian_stolarsk
    • 10.05.2013, 10:00
  • Adrian Stolarski
    Wpis na tablicy
    StumbleUpon is down ;)
    • 10.05.2013, 09:57
  • Adrian Stolarski
    Wpis na tablicy
    • 10.05.2013, 09:56
  • Adrian Stolarski
    Wpis na tablicy
    • 9.05.2013, 22:15
  • Adrian Stolarski
    Wpis na tablicy
    Kto tak nie robi? ;) Ja TAK!
    • 9.05.2013, 18:47
  • Adrian Stolarski
    Wpis na tablicy
    • 9.05.2013, 15:16
  • Adrian Stolarski
    Wpis na grupie Blogi w temacie Ciekawy wpis na blogu
    9.05.2013, 10:28

    Dzisiaj znowu dwa:

    Introduction to Extreme Programming

    Do you know how looks the process of designing and writing applications in most companies and corporations? Most of the existing software development methodologies based primarily on the creation of technical documentation tone. First, write the initial assumptions, and then writes the documentation for it. However, the practice is quite different. First the program, and then creates all of its documentation. Documentation is formed on the basis of what we remember from the generated code. The methodology of software called XP completely give up the documentation process. XP focuses on perfect communication between developers, testers, analysts, and customers.

    Do you know how looks the process of designing and writing applications in most companies and corporations? Most of the existing software development methodologies based primarily on the creation of technical documentation tone. First, write the initial assumptions, and then writes the documentation for it. However, the practice is quite different. First the program, and then creates all of its documentation. Documentation is formed on the basis of what we remember from the generated code. The methodology of software called XP completely give up the documentation process. XP focuses on perfect communication between developers, testers, analysts, and customers.

    The CMS project start now

    CMS project starts from the beginning. It was started a little behind. The event was a complete solution. But it is time for a change. In addition, I think that this project would be perfect to show you how it looks in practice of software engineering. I would also like to write a draft of the system was a success, as it is also extremely important to me. Quietly been thinking about it. I will make a useful app and I'll show you how to create a fast-acting and safe software. For the system came to be, I decided to start again analyze the requirements.

  • Adrian Stolarski
    Wpis na grupie DZIŚ NA MOIM BLOGU w temacie Dziś na moim blogu ...
    9.05.2013, 10:28

    Dzisiaj znowu dwa:

    Introduction to Extreme Programming

    Do you know how looks the process of designing and writing applications in most companies and corporations? Most of the existing software development methodologies based primarily on the creation of technical documentation tone. First, write the initial assumptions, and then writes the documentation for it. However, the practice is quite different. First the program, and then creates all of its documentation. Documentation is formed on the basis of what we remember from the generated code. The methodology of software called XP completely give up the documentation process. XP focuses on perfect communication between developers, testers, analysts, and customers.

    Do you know how looks the process of designing and writing applications in most companies and corporations? Most of the existing software development methodologies based primarily on the creation of technical documentation tone. First, write the initial assumptions, and then writes the documentation for it. However, the practice is quite different. First the program, and then creates all of its documentation. Documentation is formed on the basis of what we remember from the generated code. The methodology of software called XP completely give up the documentation process. XP focuses on perfect communication between developers, testers, analysts, and customers.

    The CMS project start now

    CMS project starts from the beginning. It was started a little behind. The event was a complete solution. But it is time for a change. In addition, I think that this project would be perfect to show you how it looks in practice of software engineering. I would also like to write a draft of the system was a success, as it is also extremely important to me. Quietly been thinking about it. I will make a useful app and I'll show you how to create a fast-acting and safe software. For the system came to be, I decided to start again analyze the requirements.

  • Adrian Stolarski
    Wpis na grupie Blogerzy w akcji w temacie Najnowsze wpisy
    9.05.2013, 10:27

    Dzisiaj znowu dwa:

    Introduction to Extreme Programming

    Do you know how looks the process of designing and writing applications in most companies and corporations? Most of the existing software development methodologies based primarily on the creation of technical documentation tone. First, write the initial assumptions, and then writes the documentation for it. However, the practice is quite different. First the program, and then creates all of its documentation. Documentation is formed on the basis of what we remember from the generated code. The methodology of software called XP completely give up the documentation process. XP focuses on perfect communication between developers, testers, analysts, and customers.

    Do you know how looks the process of designing and writing applications in most companies and corporations? Most of the existing software development methodologies based primarily on the creation of technical documentation tone. First, write the initial assumptions, and then writes the documentation for it. However, the practice is quite different. First the program, and then creates all of its documentation. Documentation is formed on the basis of what we remember from the generated code. The methodology of software called XP completely give up the documentation process. XP focuses on perfect communication between developers, testers, analysts, and customers.

    The CMS project start now

    CMS project starts from the beginning. It was started a little behind. The event was a complete solution. But it is time for a change. In addition, I think that this project would be perfect to show you how it looks in practice of software engineering. I would also like to write a draft of the system was a success, as it is also extremely important to me. Quietly been thinking about it. I will make a useful app and I'll show you how to create a fast-acting and safe software. For the system came to be, I decided to start again analyze the requirements.

  • Adrian Stolarski
    Wpis na grupie Reklama, marketing, marka w temacie 2013 - Ciekawy wpis na blogu
    9.05.2013, 10:24

    Jeden z ciekawszych na temat inzynierii społecznej:

    Social engineering - when it's an e-mail

    In the course of our discussion we approved now that companies and institutions are at high risk of social engineering attacks. But if a private person can feel safe? In this article I will show you a situation that can happen to anyone of us. Just recently, I got an e-mail and I decided to take the game with a social engineer.

    In the course of our discussion we approved now that companies and institutions are at high risk of social engineering attacks. But if a private person can feel safe? In this article I will show you a situation that can happen to anyone of us. Just recently, I got an e-mail and I decided to take the game with a social engineer.

    Historia pewnej firmy:

    The story of one organization

    It all started with a conversation. I published an article on Agile. I got a private message. Hey man, describe the history of the company, which did not succeed. Or describe the story of a company that tried. Ok, no problem, I thought. And so was this article. How cool is that?

    Very often the case that many companies treat the introduction of Agile methodologies in response to this crisis. Most of them manage to get out of the crisis after the application of this methodology, but there are companies that usually do not. Consider, for example, what elements make it after all, the company did not manage to overcome the crisis in which it is located. This topic is really very interesting, so I invite you to read.

    The whole example is based on a real existing company, with whom I had the pleasure to work with. The company wants to work according to agile methodologies, but gives some errors that make it impossible. The company earns money, of course, but it does not earn them on your core values, namely, the production of an efficient software.

    In this article I want to show you how you can avoid most of the mistakes that you make during your internal processes and will learn how to recognize the signs of impending collapse and how to deal with it quickly. Knowledge quoted in the article is not at all difficult to implement, requires only one thing. Namely, you need to thoroughly understand a few values ??that allow a very fast build good working software.

    In this paper, we focus mainly on three aspects: customer communications, software testing and data security in your organization. I look at this article as a programmer, project manager, tester penetration and Auditor. Therefore, this article is directed to all persons who occupy similar positions. It is also aimed at CEOs and senior managers. The article was written in accordance with the principle of prevention is better than cure.

  • Adrian Stolarski
    Wpis na tablicy
    • 9.05.2013, 10:05

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