Adam Drab

Managing Director
Katowice, śląskie


Corporate Finance modelowanie finasowe Bankowość inwestycyjna Private Equity wycenianie

Doświadczenie zawodowe

Przedstawiciel w Polsce
Barons Financial Services S.A.
President of Management Board
Prestige Venture Capital LLP
Team of three matured managers with experience and track record in banking, investment and selling founded Prestige Venture Capital LLC specialized in diversified financial services. Main aim of the company is to raise funds and next capital expansion through private equity, acquisition of selected private and public companies as well as investing in different funds operating successfully on European and local capital markets. Initiators of the project possess information on different market opportunities covering wide variety of modern technologies and simultaneously traditional industries and services.Single investment at the first phase of portfolio development is between €5 and €50 mio with 15% ROI p.a. Company is carrying out the first project in modern medical technologies.
Medicolux Europe SA
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Medicolux Europe S.A. is leading company in polarized light therapy. With a brand new shareholders aboard company started expansion and research in modern medical technologies using different types of lighting. Medicolux markets SOLARIS® lamp. SOLARIS® the polarized light therapy is used in medicine to support pharmacological treatment and physiotherapy. • pain treatment as monotherapy or adjunctive therapy (rheumatology, physiotherapy, sports medicine, minor injuries, tendons and ligaments),• treatment of wounds (traumatic, burns, surgery, leg ulcer, pressure ulcers, diabetic foot) in combination with a suitably selected antimicrobial agents • biostimulation
Is also used in rehabilitation.
Indeco S.A.
Chairman of the Board of Directors
INDECO is leading, long-standing and experienced manufacturer and supplier of systems and solutions for built-in furniture and wardrobe construction based on INDECO door systems. We have existed since 1995 and, through Authorised Representatives’ (AP) network are present in thousands of homes and offices. INDECO sliding door systems meet safety standards, have been approved by the Building Research Institute (ITB), and are continuously improved by INDECO’s Manufacturing Division, and they undergo regular testing to certify their durability and reliability. During 19 years of activity the company has gained the trust of the customers and this is confirmed by the numerous awards and titles received. Since the beginning of activity our products are exported to the markets of Central and Eastern Europe since 2004 and also worldwide.
Senior Project Manager
Central Europe Trust - Polska


Handel i usługi, doktorat
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach




Energia Solar PV Taniej
Energia Solar PV Taniej
pracujemu nad tanimi rozwiazaniam domowych instalacji fotowoltaicznych jak i nad duzym farmami slonecznymi.
EXCEL w praktyce
EXCEL w praktyce
Pytania, wskazówki, odpowiedzi, komentarze, usprawnienie pracy w EXCELu. Cel: wzajemna pomoc, wymiana doświadczeń, propozycje usprawnień pracy
MICE – Meetings (spotkania), Incentive (wyjazdy motywacyjne), Conferences (Konferencje), Events (Wydarzenia.
Polsko Indyjska Izba Gospodarcza
Polsko Indyjska Izba Gospodarcza
Polsko - Indyjska Izba Gospodarcza podjęła się prowadzenia działalności zmierzającej do realizacji współpracy biznesowej pomiędzy Polską i Indiami. Realizacja plan rozwoju eksportu do Indii.
Tylko sprzedaż
Tylko sprzedaż
Grupa dla ludzi, którzy zawodowo zajmują się sprzedażą i chcą być w tym coraz lepsi. Nie osiadają na laurach, dbają o klientów i wiedzą, że w rękach sprzedaży leży los firm.