Tomasz Zając

Specjalista II - administrator zamówień


  • Tomasz Zając
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie what really gets me is....
    4.11.2008, 22:08

    good night everyone
    see you next time:)

  • Tomasz Zając
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie what really gets me is....
    4.11.2008, 22:00

    Angina is one of worst throat infection and usualy takes a time to get better. Few weeks ago i had a angina ( inflammation of tonsils) i could hardly eat and swallow. It caused me a lot of pain when i tried to swallow a small piece of bread or when i tred to take a sip of tea. I took antibiotics and did throat inhalation.

    Alicja get better soon, and take antibiotic I am sure they will help you to recover from angina

  • Tomasz Zając
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie what really gets me is....
    4.11.2008, 21:04

    Aleksandra P.:
    What really gets is that I am so f$#@* lazy.

    do not be so critical of yourself. Cheer up and make youslef a cup of warm chocolate and enjoin laznnees:)

  • Tomasz Zając
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie what really gets me is....
    4.11.2008, 20:46

    yeap unfortunately it's possible to eat with your mouth open but the view of people who do that it makes my sick especially when bread crumbs are thrown out of their mouth and are all over. unpleasnat view:(

  • Tomasz Zając
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie what really gets me is....
    4.11.2008, 19:58

    if Obama win election there is always a fear for the unknown. I profoundly believe that Obama will do the best to mend American;s economy and put unstable US's economy ana end.

    Maybe he will make some efforts to abolish visa for Poles:) I would be appreciate despite I am not going to America in near future

  • Tomasz Zając
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie what really gets me is....
    4.11.2008, 18:36

    a lot of people are prejudiced against people with different skin-colored right now especially ahter 9/11. it mostly refers to ignorant people who dont have their own opinion or their opinion are based on other's opinion.

    America is making its own new history now, and i hope that Obama wil win the race for Withe House. I am fed up with all these wars stirred by Bush.

  • Tomasz Zając
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie what really gets me is....
    4.11.2008, 17:51

    what really gets me is when i see especially young guys in their "tunning flushy sports cars" which look like space shuttle and the worst thing or funny thing is that they think they are cool. What a embarrasing look!!/

    Those cars look very funny with all these spoilers around, suspension lowered to the minimum, huge rims, tinted windows, and huge tailpipe which looks like tank barrel:)

  • Tomasz Zając
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie What are you good at?
    3.11.2008, 18:21

    hi . I'm good at making a toast with cheese and ham delicious:) (mention about toast making my mouth water) spagethii with ground beef, red pepper, sausage and plenty of cheese.
    I am unbeatable in darts and billards

  • Tomasz Zając
    Wpis na grupie Formula 1 i Robert Kubica w temacie Tragiczny Bolid Kubicy
    2.11.2008, 20:24

    Bez wątpienia Kubica w niedługim czasie stanie sie mistrzem, ale najpierw będzie musiąl zmienić zespół, bądź poważniem porozmawiać z M.Teissenem i wyjaśnić mu kto jest nr1. w zespole
    Uszanowanie dla kobiety na tym forum.

  • Tomasz Zając
    Wpis na grupie Formula 1 i Robert Kubica w temacie Tragiczny Bolid Kubicy
    2.11.2008, 20:18

    Naprawdę nie przesadzajmy że Robertowi brakuje waleczności, bo tej cechy ma aż za dużo czasmi im bardziej chcesz tym gorzej to wychodzi. Końcóka w wykonaniu Roberta były dobre, aż Hamilton z baraniał jak go Robert wyprzedził.
    Kolejny sezon będzie naprawde wkscytujący

  • Tomasz Zając
    Wpis na grupie Formula 1 i Robert Kubica w temacie Tragiczny Bolid Kubicy
    2.11.2008, 20:10

    A było tak pięknie, tak blisko i jak zawsze skończyło się wielkim NIC. Wielkie uznanie dla Massy żal mi biedaka przez kilkanaście skekund był mistrzem świata, niestety sport żądzi się własnymi regułami.

  • Tomasz Zając
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere music w temacie Female singers
    1.11.2008, 12:28

    Hi everyone. My favourites female singers are Shakira and Amy Winehouse. Both of them have got incredible voice which brings a smile on my face when i am angry or i am in no mood.
    Greetings for all of us

  • Tomasz Zając
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie Halloween Stories, Movies, and scary facts
    31.10.2008, 22:38

    hi everyone there, halloween is cool but here in Poland is not so popular. Going back to horror film , in my opinion Blair Witch Project is one of the best horror films ever, it really scared the pants off me.
    Anyone knows Who started off Halloween's tradition?

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