Business travel consultant - English, Rzeszów - oferta pracy - GoldenLine.plCarlson Wagonlit - Business travel consultant - English

Oferta archiwalna

Business travel consultant - English

We offer:

A stable employment under a permanent contract in a dynamic working environment in a growing and highly qualified team

An international work environment

Soft skills and hard skills trainings; career development opportunities

Employee benefits, e.g. private medical care, private insurance, lunch card, multisport card, IATA card, recognition awards

In + 150 countries

Job details

Job ID: 160002V9

Region: EMEA

Country: Poland

Location: Rzeszów

Region: podkarpackie

Employment Type: Permanent

Start Date: ASAP

Department: Traveler Services

Aplikuj teraz


In the context of our Multinational Service Center(MSC) growth, we are hiring business travel counsultants in Rzeszów! Your mission is to deliver the perfect trip so that CWT can sustain optimum results for clients and shareholders. You are specifically responsible for delighting the traveler/travel arranger, building commercial value, and strengthening the CWT brand in a way that balances the requirements of all stakeholders and positions our workforce as a key differentiator for our business.


You delight the traveler/travel arranger

  • Listen and lead the conversation to solve problems in a timely manner with all types of customers in all circumstances
  • Connect with the caller to build trust and credibility even if the person is unknown
  • Be a trusted advisor by offering informed and insightful recommendations which provide the very best traveler experience in each situation

You build CWT’s commercial value

  • Sell products that are of commercial value to CWT and contribute to CWT’s profitability
  • Remain current on value we provide to each customer
  • Adapt and change as requirements of the business change

You strengthen the CWT brand

  • Represent the CWT brand in how you work on a day-to-day basis
  • Embrace new technology and ways of working that promote flexibility to adjust quickly to shifting needs of the business

Skills & competencies

focused and
service oriented

English fluent

Ability to
communicate in
a multicultural environment
Adaptable and
motivated to

About CWT

Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT) is a global leader specializing in business travel management and our travel counsultants know that teamwork and great results have no boundary. We are proud to have been named the most admired Travel Management Company – and we are even more proud that we achieved it together.

Prosimy o zamieszczenie klauzuli: „Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji (zgodnie z Ustawą z dnia 29.08.1997 roku o Ochronie Danych Osobowych; tekst jednolity: Dz. U. z 2014 r., poz. 1182 ze zmianami).”

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My journey. My CWT.