Piotr Teodorczyk

Director Business Development Chocolate, Central and Eastern Europe
Warszawa, mazowieckie
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Doświadczenie zawodowe

Kraft Foods International
Director Business Development Chocolate, Central and Eastern Europe
One stop shop interface from Regional Category teams (RCTs) to Supply Chain (SC), managing all topics on Product Supply, Product Change Management (PCM), Procurement besides Manufacturing. Initiate and develop SC strategies to meet Category targets regarding growth, quality and cost.
Lead the Category Business Development (BD) and develop manufacturing technology to support the Region’s growth and productivity targets. Manage the Category strategic capital investments and capital budget process. Continuously optimize the MFG and SC network within the region.
Initiate and develop best practices in Engineering and project management across the Category
Kraft Foods International
Senior Manager Procurement, Manufacturing Equipment & Services, Central, East. Europe & MEA
Leading Strategic Sourcing group for Capex, Energy and Manufacturing Services for Legacy Kraft, Cadbury and LU plants in CEEMA
Kraft Foods Polska
Procurement Senior Manager Poland, Baltics and Logistics CEEMA
Lead sourcing strategy development and execution of Logistics buying in CEEMA. Managing procurement teams of PL & Baltics, sits in PL Board of Management.
Kraft Foods Polska
CE Area Procurement Manager
Kraft Foods Polska
Country Procurement Manager
Leveraging the scope and resources of the European Purchasing Organisation, supply the country business with its pure purchasing. Supervising team of 11 Buyers.
Technical Buying Manager
Master Foods Polska Warsaw
· Managing service of capital, revenue (MRO), energy for 4 factories in Poland.
· Pan-European responsibility for sourcing from low cost countries (emerging economies).
· Managing total budget of 60mio Euro
· Leading of projects for grants under the EU funds (SAPARD)
· Managing activities and processes within Technical Commercial Department:
· Markets Analyzes, Buying and Negotiations, Contractual Coverage, Finance and Currency coverage, Materials Quality, Product and Service knowledge, IP protection, Vendor Assurance.
Project Engineering Manager
Master Foods France Ernolsheim, France
· Design, installation and commissioning of CAPEX turnkey projects and MRO activities. Budget 10 mioEur
· Processing line project development, design, budgeting and approval
· Suppliers and equipment selection and purchasing process
· Leading team of 4 associates, supervising plant contractors
· Managing Engineering Excellence program and Engineering Best Practice
· Leading BA (Buying Alternatives) program: equipment made and purchased in CE (NMS) countries, installed in France.
Project Engineering Manager
Effem India LTD Hyderabad, India
· Design, equipment purchase, installation and commissioning of Petfood plant in Hyderabad. Leading team of 10 local associates and 3 expats. Development of supply strategy for petfood technology in India.
· Factory design project, costing and approval
· Supervising suppliers and equipment selection and purchasing process
· Supervising installation and construction activities.
· Leading team of 13 associates, supervising plant contractors activities
· Production start-up, and Quality, Safety and Environment Plant Management. Introduction of first petfood product, sourced and manufactured on India subcontinent
· Leading Commissioning and start-up of the plant, Supervising design of plant procedures and standards for production, safety and reliability, Development of production, maintenance and safety department
Shift Manager petfood plant
Master Foods Polska Warsaw
· Leading the team of 50 direct reporting associates
· Responsible for Quality, Safety and Environment Plant Management,
· Member of product development, reliability and activity teams
· Analyze and development projects of plant Manufacturing Cost Structure
· Member of HACCP team, Leader of SMED project, Leader of Kanban project
Process Engineer
Master Foods Polska Warsaw
· Leading engineering CAPEX & MRO activities for 2 Petfood Plants
· Member of product development, reliability and activity teams
· Leading engineering activities in 5S, Kaizen and SMED projects
· Suppliers and equipment selection and purchasing process


3 wszystkich wypowiedzi
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b2b EXPORT IMPORT, Pułapki i błędy
b2b EXPORT IMPORT, Pułapki i błędy
To forum sluzy do dyskusji i wymiany informacji nt handlu miedzynarodowego. Glownym zalozeniem jest wymiana doswiadczen dla unikniecia bledow i oszustw, bedacych powszechnym elementem handlu w dobie I
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Oferty kupna, sprzedazy, exportu, importu, reperacji, konserwacji linii produkcyjnych wszelkiego rodzaju.
Jedyną wadą w przypadku wymiany barterowej jest tzw. zgodność wzajemnych potrzeb, tzn. żeby mój towar był potrzebny Tobie, a Twój towar mnie
Biznes: CZEGO ROBIĆ NIE WOLNO (pomysł na własny biznes, własna firma;jak odnieść sukces w biznesie)
Biznes: CZEGO ROBIĆ NIE WOLNO (pomysł na własny biznes, własna firma;jak odnieść sukces w biznesie)
Społeczność przeznaczona dla profesjonalistów: specjalistów, menedżerów, przedsiębiorców, naukowców, czy osób wykonujących wolne zawody.
Country Manager
Country Manager
Forum wymiany doświadczeń dla Country Managerów.
Doradcy Kredytowi
Doradcy Kredytowi
Grupa dla osób zajmujących się doradztwem kredytowym
Myślisz że wiesz wszystko o tym co robić, żeby firma była idealna? Biuro jest sercem każdej firmy, nie można żyć bez serca.
Dariusz.Majgier.pl - blog i autorska galeria najlepszych zdjęć:-)
Knowledge Bazaar
Knowledge Bazaar
Dla wszystkich którzy są przekonani że wiedza to ten specyficzny zasób którego nie tylko nie ubywa wraz z dzieleniem się nim ale dzielący się wręcz sam zyskuje na dzieleniu się :)
Lean Management
Lean Management
Zapraszam wszystkich zainteresowanych koncepcją Lean Management, poszerzaniem wiedzy i praktycznym stosowaniem zasad zarządzania w trybie "odchudzonym".