Paweł Koszyk

Learning Consultant at Thomson Reuters
Sopot, pomorskie



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A.
Senior Business Trainer
Thomson Reuters
Learning Consultant
Deliver and develop Markets, Soft Skills, Tools and Thomson Reuters product learning solutions for Helpdesk, Specialists, CTS, and TSG staff to best-practice industry standards.
• Build and maintain partnerships and relationships with Customer Service stakeholders.
• Deliver learning solutions via face to face and virtual settings globally.
• Monitor, measure and report on the effectiveness of programs and make recommendations for remedial activity where necessary; partnering with the Customer Service organization.
• Assist in needs analysis and implementation of learning projects.
• Provide learning solutions that aid in the development of knowledge, skills, behaviors and attitudes necessary for our customers to perform their job.
• Ownership and maintenance of learning courses, assets and other resources.
• Collaborate with global learning teams that may have differing priorities, working/cultural to implement best practices and provide back-up support utilizing cross functional methods whenever possible.
Thomson Reuters
CEE Markets & Application specialist
Providing complex customer service (mainly CEE countries) - comprehensive advice and help to clients enquiring about core Thomson Reuters’ products and services, as well as Financial Market data.
- responsible for providing an expert advice and help to clients over various channels, related to the use of their Thomson Reuters applications;
- in charge of managing the customer relationship through the use of CRM and service cloud tools.
- escalating end-user’s feedback

1. Bezpośredni kontakt z klientami rosyjsko-, angielsko- i polskojęzycznymi
2. Kompleksowa pomoc w zakresie funkcjonalności produktów Thomson Reuters
3. Wykorzystywanie wiedzy finansowej w kontaktach z klientem

Szkolenia i kursy

-  Extensive customer service/ training/ coaching experience
- Thomson Reuters Product trainer
- Financial Markets course at University of Gdansk, (February 2010 - June 2010)
- Thomson Reuters Eikon certificate
- 3000 Xtra certificate (Global real-time financial application)
Thomson Reuters Certification
October 2009 – February 2010)
- 7 City Fixed Income Certificate
- Commodities and Energy certificate
- FX&MM certificate
 Peer to peer Mentoring, Time Management ,Train the Trainer workshops,
- Effective Communication in Business
- Lecturer at Thomson Reuters Eikon Workshops for Fundamentals Teams


filologia rosyjska, licencjackie
Uniwersytet Gdański
Politologia, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Gdański




rynki finansowe, polityka Rosji, historia XX wieku, podróże


prawo jazdy kat. B


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