Mariusz Sobczak

Dyrektor Operacyjny
Poznań, wielkopolskie


Produkcja Planowanie produkcji



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Fobos Invest Sp. z o.o.
Dyrektor Operacyjny
I lead production and packaging departments in the factory which cooperate with key food producers. I manage maintenance department and warehouse also. I am responsible for operation budgets and I lead a 150-person team. I am member of the Factory Leadership Team and I report directly to the President of the board.


- Production, warehouse and maintenance management
- Company strategy preparation
- Operation plans preparation
- Budgets management and cost control
- Initiating and supporting all activities improving key performance indicators in the factory
(material losses elimination, production efficiency improvement, quality improvement,
warehouse process optimization and maintain high machine efficiency).
- Building of a safety culture
- Ensuring all company production standards and procedures are met.
- Supporting and improving of Lean Manufacturing methods, 5S standards
- Projects management
- New product implementation
- Cooperation with key clients
PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe SA
Dyrektor projektu
Management process optimization on operational level, support for local railway enterprises, implementation project of unified and compatible database for railway infrastructure. I report directly to General Director of Railway Maintenance Department.
Phoenix Contact Wielkopolska Sp. z o.o.
Production Manager
I lead the Production Department. I manage operation budgets to the amount of 400 000 PLN and I lead a 250 -person team. I report directly to the Production Unit Director.

- Supporting of company values and ensuring their implementation in daily operations
- Production management and production process organization (plant orders execution on time, KPI monitoring and analyzing, problem solving, approving of work schedules)
- Initiating and supporting all activities improving all key performance indicators in the factory.
- Implementation and support of continuous improvement processes (including safety and quality, 5S standard, AM)
- Budgets preparation and cost control
- Building of a safety culture within production areas
- Ensuring all company production standards and procedures are met.
- Coordination and supervision of ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 in production areas
- Projects management
- Cooperation with other departments: quality department, engineering, warehouse, finance, and personal department
- Team building and people motivating
- Cooperation with other factories in the group
Berker Polska Sp. z o.o.
Production Manager
I led the Production Department (Assembly Plant). I was responsible for safety on the production areas, production quality, production planning and plant order execution.I led a 150-person team. I was member of the Factory Leadership Team and I reported directly to the Plant Manager.

- Supporting of company values and ensuring their implementation in daily operations
- Production management and production process organization ( production planning, plant orders execution on time, KPI monitoring and analyzing)
- Implementation and support of HPS
- Budgets preparation and cost control
- Building of a safety culture within production areas
- Ensuring all company production standards and procedures are met.
- Supporting and improving 5S standards and the KAIZEN process
- Supporting of OHSAS 18001
- Initiating and supporting all activities improving all key performance indicators in the factory.
- Projects management
- Cooperation with other departments: quality department, engineering, warehouse, finance, and personal department
- Team building and people motivating
- Cooperation with other plants
Wrigley Poland Sp. z o.o.
Manufacturing Manager - Confectionery production
I led the Confectionery Department (production, packaging) and part of the chewing gum wrapping department. I managed operation budgets to the amount of 250 000 PLN and I led a 67-person team. I was member of the Factory Leadership Team and I reported directly to the Plant Manager.

- Supporting of company values and ensuring their implementation in daily operations
- Participation in company strategy preparation
- Operation plans preparation
- Budgets preparation and cost control
- Production management and production process organization (plant orders execution on time, KPI monitoring and analyzing, problem solving, approving of work schedules)
- Initiating and supporting all activities improving key performance indicators in the factory (material losses elimination, production efficiency improvement, quality improvement).
- Building of a safety culture within production areas
- Ensuring all company production standards and procedures are met.
- Supporting and improving of Lean Manufacturing methods, 5S standards and the KAIZEN process
- Coordination and supervision of ISO 14001, ISO 22000 and OHSAS 18001 in production areas
- Projects management
- Cooperation with other departments: quality assurance, engineering, warehouse, planning, finance, and PLD / personnel department.
- Recruitment of new associates
- Motivating of associates, taking care and ensuring good relationships between associates
- Cooperation with other European factories
Wrigley Poland Sp. z o.o.
Manufacturing Manager - Chewing gum production
I led the chewing gum production department. I managed operation budgets to the amount of several hundred thousands PLN and I led a 143-person team. Seven supervisors and one specialist reported directly to me. I, myself, personally reported to the Production Director.

The same areas of responibility as seen in my position as the Manufacturing Manager in the Confectionery Department.
Wrigley Poland Sp. z o.o.
Shift Production Supervisor (Chewing Gum Production, Confectionery Department)
I supervised work in production area within the Manufacturing Department for 6 years (1997-2003) and in the Confectionery Department for one year (2003-2004). Key competencies related to shop order execution, production reporting and ensuring the meeting of all company production standards and procedures.

- Direct supervision of production teams
- Work organization of subordinate unit
- Shop order execution
- Ensuring the meeting of all company production standards and procedures.
- Production reporting
- Material losses control, working to reduce all production losses
- Inventory management
- KPI monitoring
- Production procedures implementation
- Supporting of Lean Manufacturing methods and 5S standards
- Cooperation with other departments: quality assurance, engineering, warehouse, and planning
- Motivating of associates, taking care about good relationship between our associates
Quality Specialist, Technologist, Production Supervisor
Zakłady Przemysłu Mięsnego POZMEAT Poznań

Szkolenia i kursy

• Situational Leadership (FOLLOW UP)
• Situational Leadership
• Effective management
• Effective Business Presentations
• Wrigley Quality University
• The secret of leader success
• Management skills development
• The effectiveness of management
• Management systems: ISO 14001 , OHSAS 18001
• The power of positive thinking
• Responsibility and innovation


Food Technology, magisterskie
University of Life Sciences, Poznań Poland


Zarządzanie produkcją


- History of World War II
- Automotive
- Sport (football, skiing)


- Computer skills (Excel, Word, Power Point)
- Ability to work with SAP
- Knowledge of management systems: ISO 22000, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001
- Driving License


2 wszystkich wypowiedzi
3 plusy
Wszyscy, którzy pracują w branży motoryzacyjnej, albo chcieliby w takiej branży pracować są mile widziani.
Invidia HR
Invidia HR
Invidia HR to dynamicznie rozwijający się dostawca usług w obszarze rekrutacji i zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi. Świadczymy usługi w zakresie realizacji projektów z obszaru zarządzania zasobami ludzkim
Grupa osób związanych z zarządzaniem jakością, a także środowiskiem i bezpieczeństwem w organizacjach oraz auditowaniem systemów.
NOWOŚCI W DZIEDZINIE OPAKOWAŃ ! Zapraszam wszystkich zajmujących się dziedziną opakowań w różnej postaci i z różnych materiałów.
Grupa dla osób zainteresowanych pogłębianiem wiedzy i wymianą doświadczeń w obszarze wzrostu efektywności produkcji
Top Manager
Top Manager
Zapraszam do dyskusji kadrę zarządzającą i młodych ludzi na początku kariery zawodowej.
Grupa dla zarządzających, chcących zarządzać i lubiących dzielić się wiedzą z zakresu zarządzania.