Lucyna Milanowska

Learning & Development Manager EMEA, Starbucks
Amsterdam, zagranica

Doświadczenie zawodowe

Learning & Development Manager EMEA
Starbucks Coffee EMEA BV
AmRest Holdings SE
Learning & Development Manager, CEE
Unilever Polska S.A.
Senior Talent Management Specialist
Employer Brand building
Management of Summer Internship Program & Start-up Project
Talent Management – coordinating competency based development programs to retain and develop high potential employees
Preparing and leading workshops about Personal Appraisal System
TelePizza Poland Sp. z o.o.
Senior Personnel Development Specialist
October 2005 – August 2006 Senior Personnel Development Specialist

 Implementation Competence Management System for Operational Department
 Management of Competence System (administration of Periodic Evaluation System, preparing plans of succession in accordance with standing Competence System
 Still: preparing training projects, organizing, leading and evaluating internal training programmes
 Cooperation with Operational Department (directors, supervisors, managers) in the area of competence development;
 Creating and modifying tools and methods for Assessment Centre

January 2004 – October 2005 Training and Recruitment Specialist

 Analyzing of training needs, preparing training projects, organizing, leading and evaluating internal training programmes
 Recruitment & selection, career paths planning and providing succession

May 2003 – January 2004 Recruitment and Selection Specialist

 Planning employment, recruitment and selection of candidates to work at TelePizza’s outlets (in Poland and Czech Republic), a headquarter and storehouses;
 Planning of individual career paths and providing succession, selection candidates for management positions and for special projects;
 Supervising the level of personnel fluctuation in TP restaurants (cooperation with restaurant managers in order to decrease the level of staff fluctuation)
 Preparing and conducting survey of Employees’ Opinion; analyzing and interpreting results;
Psychologists’ Team Co-ordinator, Region VI, Lublin
Distance Learning Center - CENTRUM EDUKACYJNE
Psychologists’ Team Co-ordinator, Region VI, Lublin

 Co-ordinating team work;
 Recruitment new employees and coaching them in the area of conducting presentations and courses;

Psychologist-trainer, Warszawa

 sales, organisation and conducting „Effective Learning and Fast Memorizing” courses


Personnel Competence Management, studia podyplomowe
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie
Psychology, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie


Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego
Niepubliczna szkoła wyższa o statusie akademii założona w 1993 r. Najbardziej akredytowana i najwyżej notowana w międzynarodowym rankingu Financial Times szkoła biznesu w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej
HR 2.0
HR 2.0
Grupa dla wszystkich zainteresowanych zastosowaniami technologii Web 2.0, innowacji technologicznych oraz narzędzi IT w branży HR. Grupa dla tych, którzy nie boją się myśleć :)
Klub Menedżerów HR
Klub Menedżerów HR
Dyskusje na temat strategii personalnej, rekrutacji, szkoleń, ocen, motywowania i wynagradzania, karier, zwolnień, itp. Grupa w której nie publikujemy ogłoszeń komercyjnych i ofert pracy.