Krzysztof Gabryelczak

Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Warszawa, mazowieckie


Report Design Reporting Tool Reports Analysis Międzynarodowe Standardy Sprawozdawczości Finansowej Analiza biznesowa Kontrole wewnętrzne Audyt Kontroling biznesowy Kontroling Finansowy / Analiza finansowa/ Budżetowanie Kontrola kosztów Audyt wewnętrzny kontrola sprzedaży Kontrola Budżetowa



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Dr Gerard
Business Controller
- Managing Commercial Controlling Team (sales bonuses control and reporting data analysis, control of gross margin level on products sold, monitoring and assessment promotional actions;);
- Managing SFA (Asseco Mobile Touch and Connector) system implementation;
- Preparing monthly financial data (Profit & Loss Statement, Cash Flow, Balance Sheet) – standalone and consolidated;
- Control over monthly KPI realization for sales representatives and warning before potential problems with realization of sell-in and sell-out budget;
- Oversight of data collection from purchases, sales, marketing departments and other accounting data and based on that preparing Management Accounts for Supervisory Board;
- Preparing financial forecast for further months and control of its realization (sales value, gross margin, transport costs, sales support costs and other);
- Preparation of yearly budgeted data related to direct and indirect costs, sales, raw materials, packaging and one-off items;
- Preparing electronic tools to data analysis for other departments (purchasing, sales, marketing) and also preparing other reports at hoc;
- Support of accounting department while auditors’ visits;
EY (dawniej Ernst & Young)
Senior - Financial Accounting Advisory Services
- Preparing reports for clients with listing of procedures to perform while first-time application of International Financial Reporting Standards;
- Preparing reports for clients about procedures to perform while business combinations;
- Preparing reports for clients with listing of procedures to perform while company’s liquidation;
- Preparing reports for clients with interpretation of cases which are not described explicitly nor in Polish Accounting Act nor IFRS;
- Preparing research documents to internal use about defined cases on the base of polish and international standards;
- Preparing calculation of forecasted deferred tax asset’s ability to implement based on financial losses gained in prior years;
- Preparing presentation about proposition of changes in IFRS with effective date 1 January 2014;
- Current accounting advisory for other EY departments (audit teams,business combinations’ advisory, business advisory);
- Leading workshops for clients about principles of increase of fixed assets value recognition and costs related to them;
- Current substantial advisory for clients under „hot line services”;
EY (dawniej Ernst & Young)
Senior w Dziale Audytu
- Planning of initial and final audit visit in client office (meeting with client, initial analysis of financial data to disclose in financial statement,designing of procedures to perform while audit visit) – clients inbranches: FMCG, pharmaceutical, logistic, real estate, production,structural etc.;
- Current supervision of audit team's work while visit in client office andafter finish this visit (review of work done by assistants, support lessexperienced team members in methodology and accounting knowledge,current reporting identified issues and suspicions of irregularities);
- Analysis of tax data disclosed in company's financial statement (in thepart about deferred tax) and analysis of companies' principles regardingto tax aspects on the base of checklists filled in by the clients;
- Discussion with client about current operating and financial results, goals for future and identifying possible threats in going concern and as also discussion about company's organization structure mechanisms and threats related to them;
- Maintaining contacts with audit team in other countries (within the sameaudited capital group) - reporting about identified issues, performing special procedures required for auditors of all entities in the capital group,analysis of transfer pricing documentation;
- Preparing and performing audit of financial reporting packages (in case of international capital group);
ernst & young audit
Assistant in Audit Department
Ernst & Young Audit Sp. z o.o.
- Planning of initial and final audit visit in client office (meeting with client, initial analysis of financial data to disclose in financial statement,designing of procedures to perform while audit visit) – clients inbranches: FMCG, pharmaceutical, logistic, real estate, production,structural etc.;
- Current supervision of audit team's work while visit in client office andafter finish this visit (review of work done by assistants, support lessexperienced team members in methodology and accounting knowledge,current reporting identified issues and suspicions of irregularities);
- Analysis of tax data disclosed in company's financial statement (in thepart about deferred tax) and analysis of companies' principles regardingto tax aspects on the base of checklists filled in by the clients;
- Discussion with client about current operating and financial results, goals for future and identifying possible threats in going concern and as also discussion about company's organization structure mechanisms and threats related to them;
- Maintaining contacts with audit team in other countries (within the sameaudited capital group) - reporting about identified issues, performing special procedures required for auditors of all entities in the capital group,analysis of transfer pricing documentation;
- Preparing and performing audit of financial reporting packages (in case of international capital group);
ernst & young audit
Intern in Audit Department
Ernst & Young Audit Sp. z o.o.
Schenker Sp. z o.o.
Intern in Personal Policy Department
- Assessment of internal and external trainings effectiveness;
- Adaptation of polish recruitment materials to group requirements;
- Participation in recruitments - interviews, exams, assessment centres;
- Preparing training materials for new employees;
- Preparing presentation about image of DB Schenker as employeer;
- Preparing analysis about labor market;
Krzysztof Filarski
Krzysztof Filarski · współpracownik
Współpracowałem z Krzysztofem w czasie jego praktyki w firmie DB SCHENKER, dał mi się poznać jako dynamiczny, bardzo pozytywnie nastawiony i ambitny człowiek.

Życzę Ci Krzysztof powodzenia w dalszej karierze!

Interim manager w DB SCHENKER
Pelion S.A.
Intern in Financial Department
Support in current working of Finance Department
Trainer of financial and investment education
Fundacja Brojan. Centrum Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości i Aktywizacji Zawodowej
- Preparing presentations and materials for trainings;
- Preparing scripts with problems addressed while trainings;
- Running of trainings;
- Maintenance contacts with trainings participants;
- Preparing promotional materials;
mBank S.A.
Stażysta/Referent - Biuro Telefonicznej Obsług Klienta

Szkolenia i kursy

2006: Jak inwestować
2006: Analiza finansowa firmy
2007: Leasing jako forma finansowania przedsiębiorstw
2007: Analiza techniczna jako efektywna metoda zarządzania portfelem
2007: Usługi faktoringowe w Polsce
2009: Analiza techniczna - TMS Brokers
2009: Akademia umiejętności dydaktycznych
2009: Kredyty dla przedsiębiorstw
2009: Networking - Deloitte
2009: Akademia Rachunkowości - Deloitte
2010: Brand Management - Procter & Gamble
2010: IFRS Basis; Preparing Financial Statements - Ernst & Young
2012: IFRS Intermediate - Ernst & Young
2013: IFRS Advanced - Ernst & Young
2014 - Motywacja zespołu
2015: Business Writting - University of Arizona
2015: Praktyczne wykorzystanie VBA w finansach


Ekonomia, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Łódzki




Literatura (zwłaszcza John Grisham i Jonathan Kellerman), Psychologia, Telewizja, Golf, Muzyka, Informatyka,


2009 - 2011 Studenckie Koło Naukowe Logistyki i Innowacji "LOGIN"
w tym:
12.2009-09.2010 Vice - Przewodniczący
03.2010-05.2010 Koordynator projektu "Łowcy Talentów"

09.2009-05.2010 Studenckie Forum Business Center Club; Członek
Koordynator Projektu Turnieju Bilardowego Łódzkich Kół Naukowych
Współkoordynator Projektu "Najlepsze Zajęcia z Przedsiębiorczości"

10.2009 - 04.2010 Studenckie Koło Naukowe "Human Resources Management"
Vice - Prezes


- znajomość zasad rachunkowości finansowej i zarządczej;
- znajomość MSSF oraz US GAAPów (również SOX)
- prawo jazdy kategorii B, znajomość pakietu Microsoft Office 2003 - 2013 (również w wersji anglojęzycznej),
- znajomość metod inwestowania (analiza technicza i fundamentalna),

Uczestnictwo w II etapie konkursu "Financial Challenger" organizowanym przez Ernst & Young

Uczestnictwo w III etapie konkursu "Progress Accounting Competition"


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