Joanna Kaczmarek

Team Leader
Poznań, wielkopolskie


Księgowość BPO Finanse SAP SAP FI SSC Ksiegowa/Accountant



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Team Leader
Carl Zeiss Shared Services
- Team management of 15 people: accounts payables
- Motivating and supporting team in order to achive set goals and effectiveness level
- Responsibility for accounting regulations compliance,
- Supervising month- and year end closing activities,
- Setting KPIs
- Effectiveness improvement
- Preparing reports for internal client and management
- Cooperation with auditors, preparing required data, reports
- Contact with internal and external clients - escalations
- Interviewing potential employees
- Responsibility for development and promotions within the team
- Project management
Senior Accountant
Carl Zeiss Shared Services
- Conducting transition from Carl Zeiss AG into Shared Services
- Perform day-to-day accounts payable transaction in a timely and accurate manner in accordance with defined operating procedures
- Posting outgoing payemnts
- Checking and posting incoming invoices, credit notes a with SAP Purchase order reference
- Checking and posting incoming invoice, credit notes without SAP Purchase Order reference
- Manage routine mis-matched, blocked or parked invoices
- Administer invoices: control, verification (workflow and electronic handling), processing
- Resolves problems and perform trouble-shooting when required
- Checking supplier payment reminders
- Generate defined standard reports and process ad-hoc requests
- Perform period-end processing and reporting
- Contribute to process improvement initiatives
- Perform other duties as required within AP
- Prepare information to create vendor or employee account in SAP
- Allocate cash movements in FEBA
- Payment proposal and its verification
- Follow up on Intracompany reconciliation
Carl Zeiss Shared Services Sp. z o.o.
- Conducting transition from Swiss Carl Zeiss companies into Shared Services
- Perform day-to-day accounts payable transaction in a timely and accurate manner in accordance with defined operating procedures
- Posting outgoing payemnts
- Checking and posting incoming invoices, credit notes a with SAP Purchase order reference
- Checking and posting incoming invoice, credit notes without SAP Purchase Order reference
- Manage routine mis-matched, blocked or parked invoices
- Administer invoices: control, verification (workflow and electronic handling), processing
- Resolves problems and perform trouble-shooting when required
- Checking supplier payment reminders
- Generate defined standard reports and process ad-hoc requests
- Perform period-end processing and reporting
- Contribute to process improvement initiatives
- Perform other duties as required within AP
- Prepare information to create vendor or employee account in SAP
- Allocate cash movements in FEBA
- Payment proposal and its verification
- Follow up on Intracompany reconciliation
IKEA Business Service Center Sp. z o.o.
Travel Expense Claims Specialist
- Audit expense claims by making sure all information is correct and is compliant to country specific Travel & Expense (T&E) policy

- Inform users in a timely manner and follow up in case expense claim is incorrect or if compliance issue are discovered

- Transition support of new countries into shared service
- Project team support in travel process relating issues
- Handle credit card reconciliation and act upon deviations
- Answer phone calls from various stakeholders- query handling and resolution
- Respond to all inquiries related to TEC documents handling and payment
- Make sure that control procedures related to expense claim audit is followed
- Coordinate resolution of issues related to base data e.g. employee data, accounting base data, etc.
- Ensure the above responsibilities are in accordance to the Service Level agreed with the client
- Actively contribute to the continuous improvement of process and working routines and strive to constantly reduce the average time spent per expense claim
- Credit card administration duties (applications, reminders, assigning/ unassigning cards in TEC)
- Take an active role in developing junior expense claim specialists
- Provide internal TEC trainings for IKEA co-workers
IKEA Business Service Center Sp. z o.o.
Junior Expense Claim Specialist
- Audit expense claims by making sure all information is correct and is compliant to country specific Travel & Expense (T&E) policy
- Inform users in a timely manner and follow up in case expense claim is incorrect or if compliance issue are discovered
- Follow-up on expense claims with pending open questions or issues
- Release expense claims for payment
- Check physical documents (receipts) against expense claims to ensure correctness and completeness of documentation)
- Inform users and follow up in case physical documents are missing or incomplete
- Archive claims according to agreed routines
- Handle credit card reconciliation and act upon deviations
- Answer phone calls from various stakeholders- query handling and resolution
- Make sure that control procedures related to expense claim audit is followed
- Coordinate resolution of issues related to base data e.g. employee data, accounting base data, etc.
- Ensure the above responsibilities are in accordance to the Service Level agreed with the client
- Actively contribute to the continuous improvement of process and working routines and strive to constantly reduce the average time spent per expense claim
- Credit card administration duties
GJC Inter Media
pracownik działu telemarketingu
aktualizacja bazy danych klientów niemieckojęzycznych i uzupełnianie rekordów
pracownik Ikea Food Service
IKEA Aarhus
obsługa klienta duńskojęzycznego, składanie zamówień, dbanie o wygląd stanowiska, przygotowywanie posiłków
praktyki na stanowisku asystenta
luminance studio
prace biurowe, prowadzenie korespondencji z klientem krajowym oraz międzynarodowym, tłumaczenia niemiecko-polskie oraz polsko-niemieckie
Duni EFF Sp. z o.o.
lektor języka niemieckiego
indywidualne lekcje języka niemieckiego dla pracowników
Klinger GmbH
udział na międzynarodowych targach Wasser Messe w Berlinie jako tłumacz
praktyki na stanowisku nauczyciela języka niemieckiego w Poznaniu
IX Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Poznaniu
Nauczanie języka niemieckiego na poziomach A1-B2

Szkolenia i kursy

certyfikat Kandydata na księgowane w SKwP


filologia duńska, licencjackie
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
filologia germańska, magisterskie
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


IT - Administracja
Administrowanie bazami danych i storage
IT - Administracja
Wsparcie techniczne/Helpdesk


blog, kulinaria, postcrossing, kino duńskie


Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu to jedna z najlepszych uczelni w Polsce. W uznanych rankingach polskich szkół wyższych UAM sytuuje się w ścisłej czołówce najlepszych uczelni
Dansk er sjovt
Dansk er sjovt
Hvis du er en af de få, der taler dansk, er du meget velkommen til at tilmelde dig denne gruppe. Vi taler kun dansk her!
GL - Szukam pracy
GL - Szukam pracy
Forum dla osób poszukujących pracy.
Grupa IKEA dla wszystkich wielbicieli tego stylu.
Zapraszam wszystkich Poznaniaków i wielbicieli miasta Poznania
Tematyką grupy jest wszystko co ma związek ze Skandynawią, więc głównie krajami: Szwecją, Norwegią i Danią. Mimo braku bezpośrednich koneksji, możliwe są również rozmowy na temat Finlandii, Islandii
Twoja Dania
Twoja Dania
grupa dla osób zainspirowanych tym pięknym krajem