Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Should athletes boycott the Olympics?

Lately there has been a lot of debate over whether athletes should take part in the Olympics in Beijing or not. In my opinion, the governing bodies have passed the buck in a shameful, underhanded fashion, and they should have made deisions long ago about whether their athletes would travel or not. I know the latest violence occurred only a matter of days ago, but when you say "China!", people's first reaction is not generally "Outstanding human rights record and champions of free speech!" Either something is wrong, or it is right. I agree with athletes who will refuse to go to Beijing to make personal protests, but I also agree with athletes who will go, as it is possibly their only chance to compete with peers at such a prestigeous level. I also agree with the Kenyan who will not run the marathon because the smog will trigger his asthma. I say leave the athletes alone, and complain about the national Olympic committees, national governments, and the IOC, who chose Beijing in the first place.

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Temat: Should athletes boycott the Olympics?

I can only agree. The whole story makes me laughing - I don't remember such wave of protests when Beijing was chosen. And then situation was even worse that it is now.


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Temat: Should athletes boycott the Olympics?

I agree 100% with all your points. Every athlete's wet dream is to compete in the Olympics. On one hand you have China and all of it's "controversial" policies, on the other hand, it could be a symbolic gesture from the rest of the world. Sort of a welcoming committee, to join the rest of us in peace and friendly competition.

Hard decision to make, no matter how you slice it.

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Temat: Should athletes boycott the Olympics?

I always thought the Olympics should be above any political discussion (although Munich proved otherwise). Same as Keith, I'd say it's a personal decision of each and every athlete.

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Temat: Should athletes boycott the Olympics?

This is a difficult subject. I believe every athlete's dream is to participate in the Olympics. We should leave the sportsmen/women alone - they have dedicated a lot of time and hard work to get to a level of preparation that entitles them to take part in the Olympic games.
I mean we should leave them alone - literally. The fact that some athletes will boycott the games won't change a thing. Should the fans, viewers and spectators do it, though, would have a whole different impact and meaning. After all, baron de Coubertin's idea has long been dead; now the main driving force behind sport is money.
So if we (the fans) boycott the games, the huge interantional corporations (those same corporations that abuse of the cheap labour in China!) will see no profit in sponsoring the games, and the olympic committee will think twice, or three times even, before granting organization of future Olympic games to China or other country where human rights are not respected.
And the athletes will be able to compete in peace and quiet. For the glory of winning fair and square.Jarek Adamowski edytował(a) ten post dnia 25.03.08 o godzinie 16:28

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Temat: Should athletes boycott the Olympics?

Sportsmen may do whatever they wish - most of them will probably be too greedy for fame and money to refuse to participate in this purely commercial event. Personally I don't give a damn about the Olympic Games as they are now. There are so many other competitions and championships where you can prove you are good. I know that if I were a sportsman and were to choose between: "to go or not to go", my answer would be a downright "NO!". Besides, it is a question of one's priorities, values and rules in life. The choice is between either you care or you don't. What's more, as a sportsman, I would expect to receive a strong unanimous support from the rest of society. Our participation in the present Olympic Games is like sending a clear signal to China : "Yeah, we know how blood-covered your hands are, but we are too weak to do anything to stop you from doing all these evil things, and ,you know, these medals are so important to us......"
United we stay, divided we fall. Ain't that the truth?Wendy Tweed edytował(a) ten post dnia 25.03.08 o godzinie 17:29

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Temat: Should athletes boycott the Olympics?

The boycott should have started when the Olympic Committee was choosing the location for the forthcoming games. As far as I remember, there were Amnesty International and other human rights watch organisations trying to highlight the whole issue and discourage the key actors from supporting Beijing's candidature - but did anyone take that seriously?
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Should athletes boycott the Olympics?

Wendy made two very good points that I have to agree with. The magic of the Olympics is gone. I think Barcelona was the first Olympiad to have professionals compete, which made the basketball and football more interesting to watch, but basically sold the spirit of the games.
Secondly, if, as an athlete, you wish to compete at a great meeting of the best in the world in your discipline, I'd imagine the whole thing being ruined by the added media pressure. As far as I know, no news reporter has asked the athletes if they are prepared mentally and physically, or if they think they have a chance of winning, or breaking their personal best. All the noise for all the wrong reasons. Very sad.Keith Byrne edytował(a) ten post dnia 25.03.08 o godzinie 18:21

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Temat: Should athletes boycott the Olympics?

If we are going to get on our high horses about the Olympic committee choosing China, and also bring up the subject of labour abuse, then we shouldn't buy any products made in China. Their economic rise is of more importance to them than the Olympics. The Games are just their showcase so that the world can see how much they have developed (thanks to us buying products made in their country).

As for the athletes, I say they should compete. For many there is just one Games or maybe two when they will be at their physical peak. It is what they have dedicated their lives to, and to pressurise them to pull out would be unfair. They didn't choose the host country.
As for whether the Olympics have been spoiled.... I think that there should be no sports events included if the sport already has an alternative (and bigger) showcase event, e.g. football has its World Cup, Tennis has many big events, and a 'Grand Slam'.
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Should athletes boycott the Olympics?

Good point, and one I wanted to make earlier (honest!) The same people asking if the athletes are going to strike a blow for freedom are wearing sweatshop-made clothes and using "Made in China" cups for their Fair Trade Coffee.

I'm actually considering boycotting some countries' products. The problem is, I don't have time to read so much in the supermarket!

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Temat: Should athletes boycott the Olympics?

Keith Byrne:
I'm actually considering boycotting some countries' products. The problem is, I don't have time to read so much in the supermarket!

Keith, there was an excellent article in "Dziennik" a couple of months ago about the very same issue! The author and her family took an ambitious task to survive a "made in China"-free week which turned out pretty impossible. Wherever and whatever she wanted to buy was made in China: from supermarket-quality children's socks to electronic appliances. It took them a lot of time and money to skip Chinese goods when shopping...

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Temat: Should athletes boycott the Olympics?

For it to work you'd also have to write to the manufacturers and tell them why you didn't choose their product, but their competitor's.
Perhaps it would be better to target one or two product groups, try to educate enough people to not buy those certain brands of TV/CD player/camera, etc. and once it has had an effect then move to another product type, do some research and then educate people.

So, who can I delegate it to? ;)Steven H. edytował(a) ten post dnia 26.03.08 o godzinie 08:58

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Temat: Should athletes boycott the Olympics?

Back to the subject in hand.

In an article on BBC's website regarding Sarkozy saying that the French might boycott the opening ceremony, the US position was thus...

In Washington, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said: "Our position remains that we believe that the purpose of the Olympics is to let international athletes come together and showcase their talents."

OK, I'm too young to remember this kind of thing, but what about the Olympics in Moscow? Didn't the US boycott them?

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Temat: Should athletes boycott the Olympics?

Steven H.:
OK, I'm too young to remember this kind of thing, but what about the Olympics in Moscow? Didn't the US boycott them?

And so did Russia in Los Angeles :) But that was back in the seventies, when most people had a hippy approach to life ;)

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Temat: Should athletes boycott the Olympics?

Tatiana S.:
And so did Russia in Los Angeles :) But that was back in the seventies, when most people had a hippy approach to life ;)

Must've been very long seventies:

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Temat: Should athletes boycott the Olympics?

I meant Moscow :) 1980 was still a bit hippie ;)

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Temat: Should athletes boycott the Olympics?

Isn't boycotting the opening ceremony a bit like smoking dope and not inhaling? (not that we believe Bill Clinton when he says that this is what he did)
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Should athletes boycott the Olympics?

Seems like Beijing was a poor choice if you don't want the games boycotted. Why not next time hold them in North Korea? Or maybe Israel? Errr.. HELLO!!!

So, boycott by all means!

On a personal note, I can't stand watching the Olympics anyway... but that's a different story

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Temat: Should athletes boycott the Olympics?

Steven H.:
Isn't boycotting the opening ceremony a bit like smoking dope and not inhaling? (not that we believe Bill Clinton when he says that this is what he did)

Maybe he had some really good stuff and didn't have to inhale ;)(point brought up by a homeless rambling bum at Washington Sq. Park NYC last summer.)
Łukasz G.

Łukasz G. Senior Technical
Sales Manager w
Tripleplay Ltd.

Temat: Should athletes boycott the Olympics?

Well, we got first response from our Government.

Here it is

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