Richard Lucas

Richard Lucas Entrepreneur,
Investor, Speaker,
Host, Podcaster

Temat: 29th January update

I'll post a regular update of
1. things that have been done,
2. actions still to be done

on Goldenline, Facebook, Basecamp, and Googledocs

on a regular basis. If you want the Wojtek statue and other things to happen, please offer to help

here is what has been done

1 Preliminary understanding with Fundacja Ludzie Innowacjnosc Design in Cracow to take care of fundraising. I’ve met the Dyrektor Władysław Harasimowicz who is on the Town Council of Krakow, we are working on guidelines to ensure transparency and accountability, he has a mass of contacts in local government, and is approaching Bronisław Chromy who did amongst many others the famous Smok Wawelski statue.

2. New Powerpoint presentation about the project. I'll try to upload it to Google Docs if I cna work out how.

3. Patryk Polek author of volnteers as historical consultant. he's based in Canada. and will write about the project there

4. has 57 members, (most of them not active)

5. meeting with Jewish Community Centre director and Isreali entrepreneur about doing a project in Israel

6. contact with Louise Alexander of Animal Monday documentary team, about a TV programme

7. Contact with Polski Radio John Beauchamp who did this

8. Talked to my 88 year old friend Krysia (she wants to stay anonymous) about her (appalling ) deportation experience and memory of Wojtek..

9. Got support form Kasia Goralczyk who is doing a doktorate in Akademii Obrony Narodowej Warszawie. she is taking care of military contacts

10 support from Anna Baranowska responsible for - Towarzystwo Opieki nad Zwierzatami pomnika psa Dżoka w Krakowie - Dżoka stands within 250 meters of the Wawel castle

11. . Zbigniew Biernat from KTP helped with introductions.

12. interview with Gazeta Krakowska's Piotr Rapałska

13. the number of volunteers on has grown to 25.

I have probably forgotten other things that have been going on. but this is enough for now. if you want to help make sure I know about it.

To be done.

More PR - journanlists please write to me if you can do anything

More Volunteers. there are loads of times on the To do list as yet un done. let me know if you can take one on

More additions to the "to do" list. Feel free to suggest things,
