Paweł Kozicki

Paweł Kozicki Główny programista

Temat: Ext JS 3.2.1

no i w tej wersji mamy kolejne poprawki:


* Ext.form.*
o Added a fix so that the position and resizeEl are set on the slider field so it can be used correctly in layouts.
o Fixed keyboard handling for single sliders. For sliders with multiple thumbs, keyboard support has been disabled until we can find a sane default behaviour.
o Fixed a logic error in TextField validation where blank values would be incorrectly validated.
o "+" now a valid character for an email type field.
o HTMLEditor: Fix var declaration.
o Added a reference to the thumb object in the Slider beforechange event
o Added a fix when using setReadOnly in IE.
o Added a fix for using setValue when the slider is not rendered. Also fixed an issue with the thumb not being set correctly when setting min/max value.
o TrackLabel will now re-layout a compositefield when shown.
o ProcessRemove will now call a new function on BasicForm cleanDestroyed. cleanDestroyed will iterate over BasicForm's field collection and remove any destroyed items.
o findMatchingField will now check to make sure the fields are rendered before iterating.
* Ext.UX.*
o BufferView: Added a fix when using buffer view with a "local store" and deferred row render. Also cleaned up some of the code.
o BufferView: Added extra cleanup code to ensure the render task is removed when the view is destroyed.
o TabScrollerMenu: Fix up the menu when the number of tabs is less than the page size.
o GridFilters: Added a fix when using state management with grid filters.
o Portal: Added a fix so the portal is unregistered with the ScrollManager on destroy.
o Portal: Fix an issue where dropping a portlet "in place" would make it appear in the wrong spot.
o Fix verbiage for the basic Window example.
o GroupTabPanel: tabchange event will now cascade to subpanels.
o MultiSelect: readOnly flag is now honored onVeiwBeforeClick.
o LockingGridView: lock event no longer suppressed on columns other than the last column.
o RowEditor: RowEditor ToolTip now accounts for hidden columns.
o RowEditor: RowEditor margins now set properly and will align with all columns. Additional check added for different padding for IE.
o DataViewTransition: DataViewTransition now honors the configured idProperty
o Fixed a bug with DataViewTransition where the last item to be filtered away would not be hidden.
o Fixed a doctype incompatibility with DataViewTransition.
* Ext.Button
o Added an extra check to doAutoWidth. If autoWidth on the button is explicitly set to false, the button will not auto size its width. This is useful if you are using the button in a managed layout. The docs were also updated to reflect this.
o Removed beginning space from the oldCls definition.
* Ext.ColorPalette
o Added a new suppressEvent parameter on select() to ensure that the component doesn't fire the event on initial select.
* Ext.Panel
o Fixed up a leak when using the draggable option on a panel. Also ensure toolbars are destroyed even if the panel isn't rendered.
o Cascade reset of lastSize which was implemented in SVN 6276 changed to set the lastSize to undefined instead of zero as this value was being used in syncHeight unless undefined.
* Ext.TabPanel
o Fixes an issue where the activeTab of the TabPanel is still set even after all the items are removed.
o Added a fix where card layout wasn't being applied correctly to a tab panel. Also removed some redundant sizing code, since the tab strip is sized via css.
* Ext.grid.*
o Added a fix so that the row is focused when clicking on the checkbox.
o Replace ";" with "," in var declaration
* Ext.tree.TreePanel
o The MultiSelectionModel now returns a copy of the selected nodes to prevent them being operated on directly. Also cleaned up the constructor syntax.
* Ext.layout.BoxLayout
o Fix incorrect minWidth check for stretch/stretchmax in vbox.
* Ext.layout.AccordionLayout
o Added a fix for using hidden panels in an AccordionLayout in IE
o Made store's createMultipleFilterFn and createSortFunction private
o Fixed an edge-case sorting logic error in the GroupingStore sort function.
o When an array is passed to remove, return earlier to avoid extra unnecessary processing.
* Ext.locale
o Updates to French locale file.
o Updates to Portuguese (BR/PT) locale files.
* Styling corrections
o Removed improper border reset targeting WebKit browsers.
o Gray Theme resizer used incorrect image for NE-handle.
o Removed references to unnecessary images for Gray Theme.
* General
o Unroll various shortcut functions from as there is a performance penalty to use them. Particularly for browsers with poor javascript engines.
o The default ext-all-debug.js no longer contains comments. There is a new file, ext-all-debug-w-comments.js, with comments.
* Core Updates
o Fixed an issue where _tryPreloadAttach would fail with a series of repeated calls.
o Unroll various shortcut functions from as there is a performance penalty to use them. Particularly for browsers with poor javascript engines.
o Added an initial Loader class to allow for easy dynamic loading of additional scripts
o Refactor addClass and removeClass. Some small coding style changes to other methods.
o removeClass now uses a regex \s+ instead of ' ' which will clean up any extra spaces.
o added trim function to removeClass array members.
o Add string type check for values passed to removeClass.
o Fix applyStyles so it doesn't attempt to erronously add an "empty" style. This issue was impacting Konqueror quite heavily, but no other browsers. Regardless, it's slightly faster.
o Fixed an issue where IE was showing an insecure content warning when doing a file upload over SSL.