Ewa Danela Burdon

MD Perfect Connection-President Norwegian-Polish Chamber of Commerce-Charter President Oslo International Rotary Club


Analiza Analiza biznesowa Rozwój działalności planowanie biznesu usprawnianie procesów biznesowych Strategia biznesowa Zarządzanie wydajnością Zarządzanie zmianą Coaching Rozwiązywanie konfliktów Consulting Komunikacja korporacyjna CRM Zespoły międzykulturowe Employees Przedsiębiorczość Executive Coaching Human Resources biznes międzynarodowy Przywództwo Leadership Development Zarządzanie Management Consulting Analiza rynku Mediacja Negocjacje Rozwój organizacyjny Program Management Project Management Planowanie projektów Public Relations Restrukturyzacja Start-upy Planowanie strategiczne Strategia Budowanie zepołu Przywództwo w zespole Związek zawodowy Zarządzanie zespołem Mergers & acquisitions Human due-diligence "Achilles Heel" Informal Communication Rumour Management Organisational Culture Down-sizing Energy and atmpsphere Turnover and absence Employee dedication Trade Unions



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Managing Director and Management Consultant
Perfect Connection
Perfect Connection
«Business is the art of hand-made solutions»

Hands-on tilnærming. Menneske orientert. Forvandling av ideer til godt fungerende tiltak. Direkte og raske resultater i nært samarbeid med ledelsen.

Overordnede mål:.
- Målbar reduksjon av sykefravær
- Identifisere organisasjonens “Akilleshæl"
- Avdekke misnøyeområder, trusler mot strategiske mål, hindringer mot endring - Forbedre stemning, tilfredshet, lojalitet og engasjement blant de ansatte
- Momentumbevaring for å gjennomføre ønskede end ringer

Operasjonelle mål:
- Rykteforvaltning, uformell kommunikasjon, bedriftens «skjulte» liv - Intern-og ekstern kommunikasjon og omdømme bygging
- Human due-diligence, relasjons-og brobygging
- Mangfolds-ledelse
- Organisasjonens skjulte potensial og måter å utvinne det på

Utvalgte Kunder: SKANSKA, Tetra Pak, EADS Casa, Grupo del Mondragon, Statens Næringsdistriktsutviklingsfond (SND), Innovasjon Norge, Diakonhjemmet Sykehus.

Perfekt Connection: Rådgivningsselskap, etablert i Oslo i 1998 av Ewa Danela Burdon

Formell kompetanse:
3 X Master: Journalistikk, Politiskvitenskap, Management - Styrekompetanse BI - Charter President Oslo International Rotary Club - Styremedlem Norsk Polsk Handelskammer

Tverrkulturell-og intern kommunikasjon - Mangfolds- og endringsledelse - Krisehåndtering-og relasjonsbygging — Human due-diligence - Rykte forvalting

Mangfoldsledelse: Utløse merverdi av forskjellene for å fremme konkurransefordel og innovasjon.
Endringsledelse: To improve is to change - To be perfect is to change often.
Intern kommunikasjon: If you don ́t take care of internal, external will take care of it.
Krisehåndtering-og relasjonsbygging: På kinesisk består ordet krise av to tegn. Det ene står for fare og det andre for muligheter.
Human due-diligence: Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
Rykte-forvalting: Dagens rykte kan bli morgendagens fakt.
Managing Director
MD The Norwegian Cooperative Centre
Main tasks:
To establish Cooperative Centre as an independent Association and thereafter to prepare it for UN ́s International Year of Cooperatives.

Driving force behind the major achievements such as:
Management Program on Coops at Oslo School of Business
Nordic Cooperative Network
Innovator Award

The achievement worth to be highlighted:
Organisation and leading of the biggest ever International Cooperative Conference in Norway: over 300 guests, President Of ICA, CEO of ICA, President of Coops Europe, leaders of biggest Norwegian cooperatives (Coop, Tine)
Acquiring few new members in a short period of time
Concrete image and reputation building activities
Executive Search Consultant
International Executive Search Company Accord Group
Executive search at the CEE market within the following sectors: Media and entertainment, FMCG, construction and bank sectors.
Director Corporate Communication & External Affairs
Elopak Group Headquarters
Responsible for internal and external communications for the entire group with 22 000 employees worldwide.
Director External Communication and PR
Polish Agency for Foreign Investment
1 year assignment from EU. Responsibility for creation and implementation of the very first international image building campaign showing Poland as a preferable location for FDI.
International PR tenders. Cooperation with international advertisement companies and media.
Communications Adviser
Norwegian Food Control Authority (SNT)
Cooperation with EFTA, EU's Groups /Committees. Coverage of international issues/law regulations, GEMO
Guest speaker: Cross Cultural Communication and its impact on bottom-line, Diversity Management
Freelance journalist & lecturer on Cross Cultural Communication Management
Has carried out various projects for: Polish Radio, Norwegian Broadcasting, international press, international advertisement and PR companies, professional and industrial bodies, governmental organisations, NGO’s, non-profit and humanitarian bodies, Media and Communication Schools, business-fora and professional networks-bodies. International organisations with multicultural workforce.
Editor and Presenter
Polish Radio and TV
Specialization: social reportage. Program host for several national radio programs.

Szkolenia i kursy

- Short Executive Programmes, Executive School of Business, BI: November 2011 Value-Added board - increased demands and expectations
- Henley College in England
- European Business School in Brussels
- European Centre of Business Excellence Leeds


, magisterskie
Executive School of Business, BI, Oslo Norway
, magisterskie
The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprises (NHO) Global Future Program
International Business Management, magisterskie
Executive School of Business, BI
Norwegian language, social studies, Scandinavian literature, magisterskie
University of Oslo, Blindern
Journalism and Political Sciences, magisterskie
University of Warsaw


Human Resources/Zasoby ludzkie
HR Business Partnering
Human Resources/Zasoby ludzkie
Human Resources/Zasoby ludzkie
Zarządzanie HR


Human due-dilligence, rumours management and informal communication
Cross Cultural Communication
Karate doshinkan


- President w Warsaw - Wilanow International Rotary Club
- Charter President w Oslo International Rotary Club
- Chair of the Board/President w Norwegian-Polish Chamber of Commerce NPCC