Dominik Grabowski

Purchase/Logistic Manager
Kraków, małopolskie


Analiza B2B Budżety Zarządzanie umowami Negocjacje kontraktu Planowanie popytu FMCG Prognozowanie Global Sourcing Import Logistyka międzynarodowa Zarządzanie logistyczne Zarządzanie zarządzanie operacyjne zaopatrzenie Zarządzanie zakupami zakupy Rekrutacja SAP Sourcing Spend Analysis Strategic Sourcing Umiejętności Nadzorcze Negocjacje z dostawcami łańcuch dostaw Supply Management zarządzanie dostawcami uzupełnianie zapasów Zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw - Supply Chain Management



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Senior Global Category Buyer Direct Procurement
• Leading supplier negotiations
• Leading complex sourcing projects in line with category plan
• Multi-stakeholder management
• Driving cost savings by negotiating contract agreements, structured RFP’s process and price negotiations
• Performing proposals evaluation and presenting them to the organization
• Working with stakeholders and suppliers to identify opportunities
• Developing strategic relationships with key suppliers
FoodCare Sp. z o.o.
Purchase Manager
• Management Categories: Direct Materials, Foodstuff, Trade Marketing and Co Manufacturing
• Implementation of category plan strategy by leading the end to end purchasing process.
• Leading negotiations with suppliers on all commercial terms
• Work with stakeholders to prepare RFP specs and structure, agree suppliers, milestones and evaluation criteria
• Provide governance and decision making related to external spend with the supply base
• Work seamlessly with other functions within Purchase and Logistic Operations Centre team to manage the entire sourcing process Supplier Intelligence
Philip Morris International SCE Sp. z.o.o.
Category Buyer Global Supply Chain
Responsibility for price negotiations
 Continuously monitoring, evaluating and improving supplier performance.
 Performing tenders and bidding process to obtain shipment cost in the best balance of quality& price and value for money.
 Controlling the procurement transportation budget related to Ocean, Overland and Courier services.
 Responsibility for Shipment cost savings and cost avoidance for the company.
 Managing the procurement supplier relationships for the company.
 Providing strategic sourcing by preparing RFx
 Developing sourcing strategies.
 Preparing high quality tender documentation.
 Regularly contacting suppliers to renegotiate prices.
 Resolving disputes and claims with vendors and suppliers.
 Developing relationships with stakeholders.
 Preparing the contract drafting with cooperation of law department
Radosław Funiok
Radosław Funiok · podwładny
Mialem przyjemnosc pracowania z Dominikiem w ciagu ostatniego roku. Dominik dal sie poznac jako doswiadczony zakupowiec. Jego wiedza zarowno z zakresu zakupow jak I logistyki sprawiaja, ze Dominik jest bardzo cennym pracownikiem. Dominik z latwoscia porusza sie w swojej domenie, produkujac odczuwalna wartosc dodana, co ma odzwierciedlenie w wynikach jego pracy, zarowno tych jakosciowych jak I finansowych.
EUROFLOOR Sp. z o. o.
Manager of the Logistics and Purchase Department in Eurofloor, Ltd
Management of the team of Buyers, logistics specialist and warehousing managers.
Negotiations of the financial/ logistics/ qualitative/ cooperation with the suppliers conditions from Europe and Asia.
 Managment of the budget of purchase and logistic departments .
 Audits at the suppliers plants, evaluation suppliers’ potential according to the Eurofloor rules and requirements;
 Supervision of the purchasing process;
 Controling of the contract drafting with cooperation of law department
 Management of the offer process (bids, negotiations, commercial deals); development of the cooperation with the contemporary as well as the search for the alternative suppliers
 Supervision of the storing economy in two logistic centers in Cracow and Warsaw as well.
 Supervision on the storing economy in custom depot in Cracow with cooperation with custom office
Manager of the Purchase Department in Pharma C Food, Ltd
Management of the team of Buyers for direct and indirect materials.
Negotiations of the financial/ logistics/ qualitative/ cooperation with the suppliers conditions;
 Development of the cooperation with the contemporary as well as the search for the alternative suppliers of the raw materials and packaging materials;
 Optimization of the conditions of the cooperation with the suppliers regarding the management of the supply chain.
 Management of the offer process (bids, negotiations, commercial deals); Participation in the external audits (ISO 9001);
 Overseeing the qualification process and the assessment of the suppliers according to the requirements of ISO 9001;
 Supervision of the complaint process regarding the qualitative and quantitative deviations;
 Creation of the commercial/purchase deals;
 Determining and evaluation of the purchasing needs;
 Supervision of the purchasing process;

Szkolenia i kursy

•Project Management, INGRESSO Comp., Cracow
•MS Excel 03/2010- Advanced MS Excel Training
•A3 Problem Solving Methodology
•International Negotiations, Philip Morris, Cracow
• Management of Logistics in the Entrepreneurship;
•Essential Negotiator, THE GAP PARTNERSHIP


Sociology, magisterskie
Jagiellonian University


Łańcuch dostaw
Zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw


 Social psychology including the techniques of manipulation and persuasion;
 Ancient History;
 Sport – especially football;


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Dla osób mieszkających, studiujących, pracujących lub zamierzających pracować/mieszkać/studiować*) w Krakowie lub okolicach *)niepotrzebne skreśl