Adrian Najczuk

Senior Data Warehouse Developer, Trener w Craftin' Code, Junior Data Scientist
Wrocław, dolnośląskie


Amazon Web Services (AWS) Data Mining DB2 ETL Git Java MySQL SQL Talend IBM Cognos Bazy danych Hurtownie danych Amazon Redshift



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Craftin' Code
W Craftin' Code uczę nowe pokolenia programistów Java bazując na moim wieloletnim doświadczeniu zawodowym. Staram się przekazywać wiedzę w taki sposób, jakbym uczył samego siebie kilka lat temu.
Senior Data Warehouse Developer
Laurens Coster
At Laurens Coster I'm providing the best loyalty programs data possible.
More specifically:
- merging offline and online stores data,
- trying to figure out the best way to model, load, optimize and present data
- writing and maintaining ETL scripts
- creating BI environment
Data Scientist
Crazy Call
Having a strong data warehousing and business background I've decided to mix these two to find out how can organisations turn their data into the value with the power of machine learning.
CCIG Group
Business Development Manager
With my team at CCIG we are exploring and developing solutions such as:
- Social Media Sales
- Live Chat in sales
- personalized video lead generation
- customer service, helplines, surveys
- telesales, etc.

We are working hard to create an offer profitable for both sides in models such as:
- success fee/performance
- hourly fee
- contact fee
Mok Yok IT
Data Warehouse Development Leader
Manging 7 people in a DW/BI team
- introducing separated responsibilities and team roles
- development of DW/BI product in Agile
- mentoring and tutoring
- organizing courses for team members
DW/BI product line
- DW/BI development
- introducing DataVault methodology
- improvement of logical and structural BI environment
- resolving BI optimization issues
- implementing QA rules (ETL, BI models, deployment, tests)
- taking care of product to be well documented in a Wiki manner
- creating end user knowledge base with documentation abd tutorials
- brainstorming and creation clients Business Glossary
- taking care of licencing terms
- self run trainings for team members as well as for end users
Fast White Cat S.A.
Junior Data Warehouse Specialist
Tasks concerning:
- designing data warehouses,
- analysis and business intelligence processes,
- taking care over whole DW/BI process
- loading data into data staging (ETL) and dimensional DW model
- creating reports and cubes on top of it, using IBM InfoSphere DW and Talend software,
- introducing DW & BI solutions to big companies such as: Call Center Inter Galactica, Biedronka, Hebe,
- meetings with business clients and supporting them in finding solutions to their operational problems as well as in improving their business strategy
Fast White Cat S.A.
Junior Software Developer
Maintenance and development of business web applications written mainly in PHP and Python. Renovating existing software architecture with SOA architecture based on Java EE technology.


Informatyka - Inteligentne Systemy Informatyczne, magisterskie
Politechnika Wrocławska
Informatyka (WIZ), inżynierskie
Politechnika Wrocławska


Badania i rozwój
Business Intelligence/Data Warehouse
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Analiza biznesowa
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Programista JAVA
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Zarządzanie projektem