Adam Rybski

IT Market Director
Wrocław, dolnośląskie


BPMN C# C++ CMMS Protokoły komunikacyjne Git Java MS Project Project Management Projecting Projective Real Time System Design SQL UML VBA Visual Studio Workflow Software SVN Biznes Zarządzanie Analiza wymagań . NET OPC Rozwój produktu Prezentacje handlowe Projekty pozyskiwanie klientów Software Architect Action Script 3 (Flash Flex AIR) Data Base Sztuczna inteligencja Kierownicy projektów Integracja z SAP



Doświadczenie zawodowe

IT Market Director
Develop strategy sales. Business analysis and creating concept new products in reference to client requirements. Maintaining and strengthening relationships with the client. Introduce new products into IT market.
Deputy Director IT Department
Management and coordination of multiple projects. Negotiation with clients. Support for project managers and software architects.
Project Manager - Software Architect
IT project management in the industry (mainly: electrical power generation and chemistry). Valuation contracts. Participation in the development of team (recruitments / internal trainings). Design and development of company products. Team leader of developers (C#, C, C++, Java) and technologists.
Junior Project Manager - Software Architect
Programming in technologies .NET/C#/C++/AS 3.0. Team leader of developers (C#, C, C++, Java) and technologists. Providing trainings for clients. Providing technological support in the framework of implemented systems.
C# Developer
Programming in technologies .NET/C#/C++/AS 3.0. The main task was the development of a communication server to collecting data from DCS / SCADA (WinCC, ASIX, Ovation, SPPA-T3000, PGIM, SQL, M-Bus, Modbus, OPC) for the visualization and reporting system. The project, of which also is worth mentioning, is integration Microsoft Visio and Flash for visualization of production process in web system.


Implementing Proman Platform in one of the largest Polish enterprises (chemical market)
Archiving, processing and reporting data from production processes and operation processes in several chemical plants. Integration with SAP system in order to support financial department. Bussines analysis and implementation of solutions supporting e.g. management of batch production, settlement of goods transports or management flow information in work of dispatchers and heads of instalations.
Proman Platform
The solutions platform for archiving, processing and reporting data from production processes and operation processes in industry. The solution is used to visualization and optimalization of work of industrial plants, mainly in the sector energy and chemistry. Proman Platform provide support for production department, maintenance department and financial department. Many of the projects I participate (or participated) in refer to the development of this IT Platform.
Transport management of goods
Module of Proman Platform for planning and executing inbound and outbound transportation (track and rail). Module connect to all scale system in the plant and allow to remote executing measure of weight. The solution allows to management of truck and rail transport and integration data with ERP system.
System (based on Platform Proman) allows for systematize knowledge and processes related to the operation of all EX devices in the production plant in the areas: repairs, inspections or other regular procedures (inspection and maintenance).
Proman Platform module being a complete knowledge base about the plant and the system of supervision over the operation of technological devices. It enables support of maintenance services through monitoring of individual devices as well as entire installations in terms of technical and environmental safety.
Workflow management system
Framework being part of the Proman Platform designed for fast programming of workflow electronic of documents. The functionality provides support for operating the company's operational processes by integrating information generated by people with information obtained from production control systems.
Optelon is an module of Proman Platform that allows to control costs start-up of power units. The system allow users to improve skills in start-up of power units by calculating and comparing the KPI (e.g. costs).
Visualization of production processes
Web component for Proman Platform to visualization of production processes in industry. Component uses combining technologies and tools such as Microsoft Visio, XML and Action Script. In the newest version of component Action Script was replace by Java Script.
Data Collector
Communication server to connecting with a variety of data sources, such as OPC, MSSQL, Oracle, CSV, XML, Modbus, DLMS etc. This server collecting and send data to Proman Platform.

Szkolenia i kursy

Demonstrating software - CustomerCentric Selling
How to prepare a company’s development strategy? Methodology "step by step" - FIG Poland
Certificate IPMA-D: International Project Management Association
Negotiation Techniques – Alex W. Barszczewski
Designing Information Systems - SQAM
Training in the operation of devices, instalations and power grids SEP 1kV


Smart Power Grids, studia podyplomowe
Politechnika Wrocławska
Expertise Software Engineering on Faculty of Computer Science and Management, magisterskie
Politechnika Wrocławska


IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Analiza biznesowa
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Programista C#
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Zarządzanie IT


- artificial inteligence
- astronomy, physics, mathematics
- psychology


- programming languages: C, C++, C#, VBA, .NET, Java, Action Script,
- database design: SQL, PL SQL, Oracle, MS SQL,
- designing information systems: UML,
- designing graphic user interfaces,
- business analysis: BPMN,
- knowledge of architecture and network security,
- knowledge of communication standards in industrial networks,
- integration with DCS and SCADA (ASIX / WinCC / Ovation / SPPA-T3000)


S. Słaboszewski, A. Rybski, Utrzymanie ruchu wsparte rozwiązaniami IT „Magazyn Polska Chemia”, nr 2/2017, p. 54 – 56.

U. Markowska-Kaczmar, A. Rybski: Graphical Pattern Identification Inspired by Perception. ACIIDS (2) 2011: 222-231,


2 wszystkich wypowiedzi
0 plusów
Grupa ta ma na celu umożliwienie jej uczestnikom szybkie reagowanie na wzajemne potrzeby, nie tylko w wydaniu biznesowym. W założeniu skierowana do jak najszerszego ogrona osób, gdyż nigdy nie
Adobe Flash
Adobe Flash
Programowanie, animowanie serwisów WWW. Programowanie aplikacji wykonanych w technologii Adobe Flash oraz Adobe Flex.
Business IT
Business IT
Grupa firm branży IT / INTERNET. Liderzy i Eksperci. Wydarzenia branżowe rynku IT (B2B). Zarządzanie IT, badanie IT, startupy IT, technologia IT, internet IT, ebiznes IT.
C and C plus plus
C and C plus plus
Grupa dla miłośników programowania w językach C and C++
Creative & Innovative
Creative & Innovative
Najlepsze sposoby znajdywania nowych ciekawych pomysłów to kolektywne myślenie kreatywne. A najlepsze pomysły powstają na styku różnych idei!
Grupa dla osób zainteresowanych energetyką, związanych z rynkiem energetycznym.
Politechnika Wrocławska
Politechnika Wrocławska
Grupa zrzeszająca osoby związane z Politechniką Wrocławską.
Programiści .NET
Programiści .NET
Zrzesza programistów technologii Microsoft .NET, oraz osoby pracującę nad projektami w technologii .NET
Projekty start-up
Projekty start-up
internetowe start-upy, wszystko co zwiazane z nowymi projektami, ich finansowaniem i zarzadzaniem
Przedsiębiorcy, osoby przedsiębiorcze, współpraca biznesowa, przyjaciele biznesowi, rozwój osobisty i firmowy, pomoc, dotacje, biznesplany. Przedsiębiorczość
PRZEMYSŁ I ENERGETYKA   porady ekspertów
PRZEMYSŁ I ENERGETYKA porady ekspertów
Grupa utworzona dla osób posiadających bogatą wiedzę w wybranym segmencie branży PRZEMYSŁ I ENERGETYKA. Dla osób mających chęć i umiejętność dzielenia się swoją wiedzą z innymi.
Top Manager
Top Manager
Zapraszam do dyskusji kadrę zarządzającą i młodych ludzi na początku kariery zawodowej.